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Things are going good

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    Things are going good

    Hey everyone. I haven't been on here for a bit. Things were pretty rocky for a while but we made it through. After we spent time together where I used to live and when I moved to Arizona. Things got harder. And it was mainly the fears we both had. We actually did break up, but got back together, and he came and saw me here last Mon, and left this past Sunday night. It was so hard to see him go again. There are other things going on here that make things more difficult, the living situation I'm in is not working, but hopefully soon I will get my own place. And he can move here. When he came here this last time, we learned more about each other. And of course it was sooooo good to see him. It's so amazing how he can take my breath away when I see him each time. But some of the things I learned were, he has ADHD, which explains so much. He knows he has had it, but really didn't think about it because it just is a part of him and he got used to it, but that is a big part of what started our arguments. Have any of you guys ran into this? How do you guys handle seeing your SO a second time and watching them leave again? Thanks for everything everyone!

    Pfff You have no idea how much I understand what you mean

    My SO came to visit me for the second time too and left last friday. It was REALLY hard I couldn't stop crying. It was even harder than the first time, and as I see around here people say it gets harder each time..
    During the weekend, every time a friend brought up the topic to just ask how things went I couldn't even talk because the tears came again..

    Right now I feel better, of course I miss him so much, but I remember what he told me, to think positive
    Remember that you two got the chance to see each other again, and he loves you. What else can you ask for? (to be together, I know, but that will come with time)

    Think about all the good moments you two had, it's worth the waiting, isn't it?

