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Help me to fly for free with my SO to my home country! Pleaseeeee

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    I voted for you last night .

    If you're having troubles, I think it's because it's having issues authenticating your account or something. Facebook's been kind of wonky lately.


      Originally posted by Zephii View Post
      I don't really feel super comfortable allowing access to something on my facebook that's in a language I don't understand. But I voted anyway.
      I know it's annoying, but after you vote you can easily delete the app from your Facebook. You have to click on the top right corner of the page (where you go to log off). Click Account Setting, then on the left side you see "App". Click it and delete all the Facebook apps that you don't want!
      In any case thank you for voting!

      And same for all the other people: at the moment my video is not doing really well, as the Turkish guy has around 40 votes more, but I'd like to thank those who voted for me. The competition ends on July 24th, and I'm still hoping to win!

      For those having problems to vote. You're not alone! Many people told me that, unfortunately. It should be related to pop-up restrictions... For some people it worked when they used a different browser.


        Chances are getting lower and lower, and I'm so sad. THis contest is turning out to be like a drug, and I spend so much time checking Facebook to see if my votes increase! Unfortunately, since yesterday two people passed me, and now I'm third. A Turkish guy and a British one are ahead, and the possibility for me nad my SO to fly to my home country in November are almost vanished. I'm sad because 230 people read this thread, but I didn't get more thant 10 votes from LFAD :-( I should just try to distract myself in another way and do somethign more productive, instead of waiting till July 24th to be sure that I don't win that competition... Saaaaaad!


          I've been trying to vote every day since you posted this, but it won't let me... I'm sorry!


            I'm trying to vote but wont allow me to, it just keep loading. i will keep trying for you though, good luck x

            "A thousand miles seems pretty far, but they got planes and trains and cars, I'd walk to you if I had no other way"

            First visit 23/08/2012 - 05/09/2012
            Second visit scheduled May 2013
            Ended relationship August 2013


              It's now saying submitting vote, but your count still at 170, trying to make it 171 for you x

              "A thousand miles seems pretty far, but they got planes and trains and cars, I'd walk to you if I had no other way"

              First visit 23/08/2012 - 05/09/2012
              Second visit scheduled May 2013
              Ended relationship August 2013


                NoThInG iS ImPoSsiBlE..


                  Voted good luck!


                    Thank you everybody! Thanks to those who voted, and those who tried!
                    I know there were many problems with the pop-up which blocked the vote, so basically people were clicking "ok" and nothign was happening. it doesn't matter. The contest ends tomorrow and I'm far far away from winnign the first prize (the flight to Italy for 2 people). I might get the 3rd, which is like the 4th, 5th and 6th (a book and a CD). In any case, i can use this video in my online curriculum vitae (resume) to prove that I really love foreign languages and it might help me to find a job in germany, where my SO live. With a job, I will be able to afforde the flight for both of us ;-)


                      Sorry Kiara That would be amazing if you got this free trip but...just not enough votes...

                      To clarify though, "Views" of a topic are not calculated by unique users viewing it, it is simply any and all views. For example, you have probably come to check the status of this topic multiple times over... Each time you click on the topic to read it, that counts as a view. I could sit here and refresh the page over and over and it would count as a view each time. The same goes for any other repeat viewers of the topic. So...the topic has been viewed 300+ times now, but not by 300 individual users. Hope that makes a little sense for why your video didn't get as much of a vote increase from LDR as you were expecting, hehe.
                      First met online: October 15th, 2011
                      First met in-person: July 13th, 2012

                      Next meeting: September 21st, 2012

