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Moving to a different continent

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    Moving to a different continent

    Hey! I'm new to this forum and I have some thoughts about moving..

    I'm planning on moving to Brazil to be with my SO, most of the people I talk to about this are really shocked that I'm willing to move so far away and they think I'm making a huge sacrifice. To me I just think it's an amazing and exiting opportunity for new adventures! I've lived in different countries and traveled a lot before without seeing my family for long stretches of time and even as a little kid I never ever experienced home sickness (even though I do love my family a lot).. I feel like I already spent most of my life in my home country, why wouldn't I want to spend the rest of it in other exiting places??

    Does any one else here feel that way, that moving across the world is not a sacrifice but rather a great adventure, or is it really a minority of people that are not bothered by home sickness?

    I guess in a LD relationship it's the ideal situation, he's completely in love with Brazil and would never move, and I'm head over heals exited about the taught of getting to move there, so there was never a debate about who makes the move

    I didn't move to another continent, but I did move to another country. Lots of people will think you're crazy, but they're lame. The reason I moved was not only to be with my SO, but to live and work in another country. I believe that unless you have personal desire to go and improve your life, you will only end up resenting your SO for "making" you move.

    So of course it's a great adventure! That's what life is about. Everyone else sucks


      yes me I was born in a different country where I live now.. and though I have my family living with me and some friends I still don't feel at home.. I don't like the place where I'm living so I would have no problem with moving, although I would really miss my family- but hey we have the internet and I would not be out of the world.. I personally think that life would be boring if I would just stay in one place all my life..


        I'm not moving permanently, but I'm planning on spending a year in Australia on a work study visa with my SO. and yeah, a lot of the people I've talked to have been concerned that I'm sacrificing too much and spending too much money on my boyfriend. but I'm kind of like you, I keep trying to explain to people that even besides my boyfriend, it's just such a cool experience! I studied abroad in Australia for five months already, and I'm just looking forward to getting to spend more time there, getting to go on more adventures, and seeing some of my other friends that I met there last time! sure it's because of my SO that I'm going, but traveling is such an amazing experience anyway and there are so many other reasons that I'm looking forward to going back. it's an experience for me as well as an experience for my SO and I together.

        also, while I'm there, the main thing I'm going to be doing is working (thrilling, but I don't really have a choice, and I'll get paid way better there than I do in the US!), but I am planning on taking one big trip. I'm currently trying to decide between Indonesia, Cambodia, or Thailand. hmmmm.

        I got a little bit homesick the last time I was there, but by the end of the experience I didn't want to leave! the only time I might get homesick this time is around Christmas, just because it'll be weird to be away from my family for the holidays for the first time in my life. but then on the other hand, I get to experience it with my SO's family, on a beach in the middle of summer! how weird does that sound?

        so yeah, it's a huge step and it's a sacrifice money-wise I suppose, but I'm like you. I think traveling is something that just enriches your life so much, it's exciting to see new places and cultures.


          well i'll be experiancing that soon myself, and i wanna move to the UK because my partner lives there, there are a hell of alot more job opportunies including doing the job i wanna do which is improv, and it will be an amazing and scary experiance that i know in my heart i need to experiance. and i get to spend that experiance with my partner which makes it even more awesome, and as for being homesick of course i'll feel that way for a little while as ive lived here all my life but i know here is not home, it never felt home to me and theres NOTHING here for me, nothing in CT what so ever for me so if you ever feel that way, when the opportunity strikes you need to go despite what anybody says
          Last edited by Caitlin2009; July 20, 2012, 11:47 AM.


            My SO and I both want to move. We're not sure if it will actually happen, or when, but it most likely will occur at some point in time. I've spent my entire life in the US and have always wanted to experience living in another country, which is part of the reason I want to move to Germany for a few years. My SO has been in Peru his whole life and wants to get out as soon as he can, but because its education system is not highly valued, he might need a couple years of work experience before he can finally get out of the country. This means that there's also a chance I might end up moving to Peru for a year or two. I'm not so keen on that idea, but we'll see!
            Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
            Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
            Engaged: 09/26/2020


              Well, it is a sacrifice. I'm assuming you have friends, family, a home, a career at your home. There's the culture shock aspect, and the general issues of moving to be with someone. I don't think that just because you don't experience acute homesickness like the first weeks, that you wouldn't ever eventually miss home. An international move is a HUGE deal, even ignoring the effects it will have on your relationship. That being said, I'm glad you're excited about the opportunities ahead of you. Everybody should have the ability to travel, and being in an LDR definitely gives you a good excuse for that!

              As for me, I won't be able to close the distance for a long while. Neither my SO nor I have a quick or simple option for moving to the other. So when we do make that plunge, it's going to be a big big deal. If I move to him, of course it's going to be an amazing adventure but it's also going to be a sacrifice. Especially a financial one :P. I just can't forget that home is home. I have a lot of ties to the US and only one (very handsome) tie to the UK. It would mean giving up the life I have here and building one up from scratch, with him. Of course, I'm completely willing to do that. That's what happens when you're in love; you're willing to make those sacrifices. Just make sure that you don't end up sacrificing too much.


                I'm moving to Australia next year to close the distance with my love. For me I see it both ways. I'm making huge sacrifices. I'm leaving my family, my friends, my job, my car, my entire life. I know that's going to hit me hard as it gets closer and especially once I'm there. But I'm also looking at it like this is a huge opportunity. I get to go live outside my box and do something completely different than I've ever done. And where I'm going (city, environment, etc.. wise) is a huge upgrade from where I am now. So I definitely am feeling both excited and nervous!

                I think you're on the right track looking at it as an adventure, just don't discount the fact that you're leaving a lot behind too

                Met online: 1/30/11
                Met in person: 5/30/12
                Second visit: 9/12/12
                Closed the distance: 1/26/13!!!


                  Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
                  I didn't move to another continent, but I did move to another country. Lots of people will think you're crazy, but they're lame. The reason I moved was not only to be with my SO, but to live and work in another country. I believe that unless you have personal desire to go and improve your life, you will only end up resenting your SO for "making" you move.

                  So of course it's a great adventure! That's what life is about. Everyone else sucks
                  Is Central America considered part of North America? Your post just made me realize that I have no idea.

                  As for the OP's question, I'm moving to Europe (Paris, France) from North America in September and I'm 75% thrilled and 25% terrified. I'm looking at it as an adventure in a country and city that I love, but, I do know that there will be an adjustment period. I think you're going into it with the right attitude, but be aware that it will be challenging. I just think the people around you are expressing their own projected hypothetical concerns and aren't necessarily trying to dissuade you.
                  Last edited by CynicalQuixotic; July 20, 2012, 05:24 PM.


                    Thank you for all your replies, it nice to hear other peoples thoughts about this!

                    I guess it all really depends on how attached you are to your home country/town. I always moved around a lot, the closest friends I have in this town are people I met only a couple of years ago, the rest of my friends live all over the country/world. I already live on the far side of the country from my parents. I'm a student so I'm not giving up a job/career, I don't own an apartment or a car... so I don't feel like I'm giving up on anything really.

                    But I completely understand that it's different for people that already have an established career/home and life long friends in their own country. I don't have that yet, so I don't know what it's like. I hope one day I do though, it's just a matter of where (hopefully it will be Brazil)

