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Do you keep your conversation history?

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    My MSN/skype automatically saves the chat history so I do have pretty much everything from the day we met. I have read over them before but it was bittersweet as we had a bit of a rocky friendship to start off.


      Skype automatically saves all of our conversations. But unfortunately (and I really hate this), you can't delete just one single day of conversations from Skype. We were talking about something I absolutely did not want to remember, and I had to erase from there all the way back to our first Skype chat :/ But since then, I have kept everything! I actually have a habit of re-reading our entire conversation the next day because I like remembering what we've talked about, and we Skype so late at night I'm usually too dead to remember :P

      I've saved a bunch of Facebook messages, also. Mostly just conversations from a week or two before we met. It's funny to go back and read what we were so worried about before :P

      I also have an app on my phone to help with saved messages. I locked a bunch of messages from him, and I've also copied them into that app in case something ever went wrong. Because not only can you back them up, you can restore them also. I have so many saved messages, that I had to change my settings from allowing only 200 texts per conversation before my phone starts to automatically delete messages, to about 5,000 texts per conversation :P

      So this long explanation shows that no, you are not the only one :P
      Last edited by Courtney:); July 23, 2012, 05:35 PM.


        yeah i did, i cant do it now as we talk via skype on webcam now but i did that alot, i have many many disks of our convo's. voice and text chat still have the first tweets we ever sent each other heh, the only thing i dont have is when i told her i first loved her that was before Facebook saved all your convo's but i do have that in my memory so its all good
        Last edited by Caitlin2009; July 23, 2012, 09:11 PM.


          I never format my phone so i have all of our text messages on my phone still. When i really miss him i will go back to the very beginning and re-read everything single text and it really brightens up my day sometimes at night before i go to bed so i can try and have a great dream of us together =p


            I've saved every single text from my SO, every single one since the first day she messaged me.

            She was saving hers too but, ON her phone, which very recently betrayed her and auto deleted EVERYTHING she had. Luckily, I had all the texts backed up to gmail (she did not know this) and when I went to see her for the first time just last week, I surprised her with a book I made on Snapfish which contained all of our texts. It made her very happy, needless to say
            First met online: October 15th, 2011
            First met in-person: July 13th, 2012

            Next meeting: September 21st, 2012


              I wish I could but honestly I'd be way to worried to save them in case my parents or someone came snooping on my laptop, I'd hate for them to find out about my SO from that not to mention a lot of what we talk about is pretty serious and I wouldn't want to risk anyone seeing something so personal, like what if my friends stumbled upon some information my SO only meant for me to read? I'd feel absolutely terrible. I don't deny it would be a great help to be able to re read all our old conversations, we've had many a bet that he's backed out on cuz he doesn't think he made them :P and old soppy stuff that was really sweet would help the LD ache but I don't think it's worth the risk.

              Met: 8.17.09
              Started Dating: 8.20.09
              First Met: 10.2.10
              Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                I don't but my SO does. He has kept all of our text messages (had to export them onto his computer when he upgraded his phone) as well as Skype convos and Facebook messages. I don't but I think it's sweet that he does.


                  Yupyup -- Skype, Gchat, FB and texts.

                  We broke up once and I deleted months worth of texts, which kills me now. But I switched phones and copied the old texts to a computer.

                  When I miss him, now that he's MIA on vacation, I read over the texts when I'm sad.

                  Hopefully this doesn't make me too creepy :P
                  "If you get hungry enough, they say, you start eating your own heart"


                    right now I'm just glad that facebook saves everything automatically :P there have been a few conversations that I've felt were significant enough and I've actually saved them to my computer so I can read over them sometimes. and I still have all of his texts saved on my phone, there aren't too many because we're international, but that just makes them more special. I think it's pretty cool to kind of have evidence of how the relationship has evolved over time, and comforting to be able to read over their words again.


                      I like to take screen shot pics on my iPhone of cute convos we have. They always make me smile when I go back to read them ^^;
                      “I just want to spend every possible minute of the rest of my life with you.”


                        I don't have them, but Obi does. (At the time we started messing around online I was in relationship and had very real fears about what would happen to me if someone stumbled onto transcripts.) Sometimes I think it's great he has them, and other times I wish there wasn't a record of that time in my life. I've looked back through them (it was important for finding dates requested in the visa application) and I'm ashamed of who I was. It's also funny with hindsight because I can see clearly how things could have been much easier - but also why we're both lucky everything was as slow and painful as it turned out to be.

                        We also have a collection of about 13 letterbooks between us, which really show how our love blossomed the second time around. I'm glad to have those, as well as hand-written letters from way back when... Including one that starts "This will probably be the last time I'll ever write to you, [because we can never be together]..."
                        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                          I don't find any reason to hide my conversations..

