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over reacting or not?

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    over reacting or not?

    do you think i should get mad or sad if my boyfreind hides people from seeing his fb status & not telling his freinds about me? i saw his facebook status about how much he loves me & i saw that he customize his facebook status. what do you think?!?!

    I think you should let it go. I have customized statuses so people I work with and who I don't really know can't see things. He's posted publicly he loves you....enjoy it and stop over reacting.


      If it were me i wouldnt think much of it. In my opinion you're over reacting. At least he declared his feelings for you, thats somethign to be happy about.


        I wouldn't worry about it, it is just Facebook after all. Like snow_girl said, people use customized statuses for multiple reasons. If it really bothers you that much just ask him why it was customized. But he did declare his feelings for you so be happy for that!


          I agree with the others. Also, try not to let Facebook cause you unnecessary stress. Back when I had a account my SO and I kept hidden that we were in a relationship with each other; it wasn't that we were ashamed, we just didn't think it was anyone else's business Your SO declared his love for you - whether in private or in public, it doesn't change that fact!


            Before my SO told his family about me, he would hide things that I posted on his wall/statuses about me from them. Like you, I was always worried that it was a sign for something but it wasn't. Now that he's told them and everyone knows, he doesn't hide anything. Just relax and don't let facebook get the best of you.


              To me? You're overreacting, my SO still has his facebook status as single even though we've been together nearly 3 years. Be happy that he's even willing to post something on the internet declaring his love, who cares how many people can see it.

              Met: 8.17.09
              Started Dating: 8.20.09
              First Met: 10.2.10
              Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                Not everybody knows about my relationship and my SO is fine with that. I've sometimes made custom status updates just so certain family members or other people who are still friends with my ex etc don't see it. I'd let it go.


                  I wouldn't worry about it. A lot of people make customized statuses, and even I make customized statuses, if I don't want certain people to see them.


                    I think people take things on facebook too seriously. If you trust him you shouldn't worry about what his facebook status says about your relationship. Thats something private between the two of you. The world isnt in your relationship


                      Originally posted by Sano View Post
                      I think people take things on facebook too seriously. If you trust him you shouldn't worry about what his facebook status says about your relationship. Thats something private between the two of you. The world isnt in your relationship
                      So very true. My SO and I have that we're in a relationship but we don't specify with whom. We both don't think we need to. We know how we feel about each other and sometimes it's nice to have a little privacy with that. We're both kinda private people.


                        I don't think you should worry really.
                        But for me, if I was with my GF for a considerate amount of time, ide wonder if she was maybe embarrassed about being in a LDR, or if it was even me.
                        I'm not necessarily talking about facebook here.

                        Don't worry, LDR's can be a little judgemental, and people can respond negatively at them. That's why I think lots of people like to keep it to themselves.

                        If you'r really concerned, talk to him, let him know that your not sure why he's not open with it.
                        It's really not a big deal.


                          I wouldn't worry too much about this and as others have mentioned, i agree with them that you are over reacting. People customize their posting for varies reasons so don't think/look too much into it. It is Facebook after all..


                            I do the same thing. I have to in fact, because some of the people I know online have clashed with each other in the past and often as well, the people I know IRL with online. So to avoid that kinda drama, I just separate what I want whom to see what. It's just between you two what matters anyhow.


                              I think I'm going to be the loner here and say I'd be a bit concerned. I would just ask what the reason for the custom statuses is. If he has a good one, let it go. But if not, I'd delve a little further.

                              I feel like everything I say comes from a semi-broken place of having been cheated on for 8 years by my soon to be ex-husband. So I'm trying not to be incredibly cynical with everything I say. But I am wary. And I know one thing my ex and I fought constantly about was Facebook. He had his wall private and swore up and down he couldn't figure out how to change it. This coming from a guy who is pretty much a computer genius and makes quite a good living at it. I knew he was lying, but meh. Any way, the point is, he was hiding things and Facebook secrecy was a symptom.

                              I've caught some flack on Facebook because of my declaration of love for my SO. Mainly from my ex's best friend whom I'm still friends with as well. But to me, my SO deserved me telling the world about him. He could have caught a bunch of crap too. As far as I know he hasn't, but he's also going through a divorce and some people have strong opinions about that. But we're in love and happy and it really doesn't matter to us what anyone else thinks about it.\

                              Like I said, I'm clearly the minority so feel free to disregard everything I've said. Just throwing my two cents in.

                              Met online: 1/30/11
                              Met in person: 5/30/12
                              Second visit: 9/12/12
                              Closed the distance: 1/26/13!!!

