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Is she thinking about leaving me?...

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    Is she thinking about leaving me?...

    Ok so I talked to my girlfriend a couple of days ago and have been trying to make sense of what she said but can't seem to find what i'm looking for...In a regular conversation with my girlfriend, out of nowhere, she told me "Not sure if you were thinking of this, but I don't think you should get any tickets to see me in August..." Now her reasons made sense to me. She was saying August is going to be very hectic for her. She is going to be finishing up her summer college courses and be working a lot and starting new classes and she is also in the process of trying to move out of her parents house. Now I can understand this, and appreciate that she gave me a heads up. She also told me she wanted to tell me because she would feel really bad if I got a ticket and she didn't get to see me at all. So then the conversation continued on and she asked me "How would you feel or how antsy would you be if I hadn't told you I loved you yet?" So I told her I would be a little upset but I would still know she would say it eventually and I would just have to wait patiently. I then asked her "why do you ask. Do you feel like you said it to soon?"

    We had a conversation about that a while ago and she said she thinks she did say it soon but she does mean it now and doesn't regret it, so that is good, I assume. But this makes me wonder; is she maybe thinking about leaving me even after all we have been through these past 7 months? Does she still love me? If she does still love me and is NOT thinking about leaving me, how can I tell?

    I mean she stills calls me everyday and still says she loves me and misses me and wants me. She also says things that hint that she plans on keeping me around, if not for good at least for a long time, such as; she hopes that her future girlfriend roomates like me.

    Could any of you fellow LDR..ers, help me out and tell me what you think. Or if you've been in similar situations and can give advice on what I can do to make her realize she does want to be with me like she used to be so sure about? (I know I can't MAKE her feel this but I think you all know what I mean) Thanks!

    She could just be really busy in August like she said and would not have much time to spend with you. Heck, I told my SO not to come out this summer since I would be so busy with my classes and everything going on. It was not that I did not love him anymore or did not want to spend time with him. I did not want him waiting around my house for hours while I was at class, or we could not do things because I had to study. That would be a waste of his money for a half-assed trip. He understood that and we made plans for another trip in August right away.

    she thinks she did say it soon but she does mean it now and doesn't regret it, so that is good, I assume. But this makes me wonder; is she maybe thinking about leaving me even after all we have been through these past 7 months? Does she still love me? If she does still love me and is NOT thinking about leaving me, how can I tell?
    She says she loves you, still talks to you, hints at keeping you would seem she has no intention of breaking up with you. I think you might be over analyzing what she said. If you are worried about her comment about saying "I love you" too soon just ask her about it; we are not mind readers.


      #3 need to take a deep breath. I am not sure what more you need from her to convince you she cares about you. She calls you every day, tells you she loves you and misses you and wants you. What is the problem? You need to relax, give her some room to breathe or you are going to smother her. She has a lot on her plate right now and having to constantly reassure you of her love will begin to weigh on her. Don't add to her stressful life. Keep it light and relax! The relationship will go where it goes, you can't control that but you can def make it harder by being overly needy.


        you both make really valid points. I do have a bad habit to over-analyze things and take them out of proportion. However, I keep those thoughts to myself. I don't tell her these thoughts that I have because I know that it would smother her A LOT and possibly push her away. I just get depressed sometimes and thats when I do all this over-analyzing. I know she has a lot on her plate and a lot of things she is stressed about so I try my best to help keep her happy and not think about those things. Do you guys have any advice on how I can stop over-analyzing things? That is the one thing I know I need help with and would benefit both myself and the relationship. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.


          Sounds like you have a lot of time to think. You should keep yourself busy, go out with friends, live your life! If my fiance was too available, I'd get a bit annoyed.

          Met: November 19, 2010
          Tim came to Texas: April 27, 2011
          Made it official: April 29, 2011
          Lori went to England: September 21, 2011
          Mini trip to Paris: September 22, 2011
          Tim popped the question: September 22, 2011
          K-1 Visa approved!: May 21, 2012
          Closed the distance!: July 26, 2012
          Got married: September 22, 2012


            Ah k, I'm glad you don't tell her all those things But, truly, don't stop living YOUR life. Keep up with your friends, go out do things, definitely maintain any hobbies you had before the LDR. I know it's hard to do because all you want to do is spend time with that person. You are in the same time zone right? Maybe do a "date" night like others do here where you maybe play some games online, watch a movie, spend time on skype, etc. On other days, short texts are nice, emails.....and of course the phone calls. Just don't pressure her to do these things. Make the suggestion, leave it to her to follow up and don't get stressed out about it if it doesn't happen right away. Trepis and I play WoW together and our nights are Wednesdays and Thursdays. I work night shift 3 days a week so I don't have much time on those days, but we text inbtw and I call him before he goes to work, and he tries to catch me before work when I have to work. We have a 2 hour time diff so that makes it a bit easier some days. Hope that helps.


              Yea I do tend to have a lot of time on my hands. My hobbies are limited though haha. I pretty much live at the gym but I can't go there more than I already do or it would not work like it's supposed to. I like playing video games but I have to be in the mood and I hangout with friends but we all have jobs and makes it hard to do so other than when we are all at the gym.

              As for date nights, what kind of games could we play together online or just in total? What about the watch movies together idea? How does that work? We watch them while we are skyping or what? I appreciate you ideas and your support, it means a lot to me!


                Definitely want to keep yourself occupied!

                It's only been a few days since I met my SO for the first time. Spent a whole week with her and, it was perfect, to say the least... Saying goodbye was incredibly difficult for me and has left me feeling alone and depressed. Worst of all though, I made the mistake of returning home with an extra 3 days off before going back to work today. I purposely scheduled it this way so that I'd have some time to relax, recover, get used to my own time zone again, etc...but now I regret it. Why? Because I gave myself way too much free time to be alone with my thoughts after a very emotionally difficult event. Like you, this has lead me to over-think, over-analyze, over-EVERYTHING, because I haven't kept myself busy. Try your best to fill in any free time you have with some kind of activity, and hopefully after a short while of doing that, you'll be able to think and analyze normally again, even during long periods of free time. I haven't quite gotten there myself yet...the trip is still fresh in my mind but, a few more days at work will probably do the trick.
                First met online: October 15th, 2011
                First met in-person: July 13th, 2012

                Next meeting: September 21st, 2012


                  There is an entire thread here for things couples can do together. Hope this helps!

