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Trip to see my guy- part 2

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    Trip to see my guy- part 2

    some of you might remember that I was supposed to spend the whole summer with my fiance. due to extenuating circumstances I had to come home after 2 weeks. this monday he is FINALLY having a medical procedure on his heart- angioplasty with a stent and if things are really bad- possibly bypass surgery. we won't know until his cardiologist has him in the lab if he'll need the bypass. he's been waiting over a year to get his heart taken care of (insurance dragging its approvals) and he's still waiting for his back test to be approved (after almost a year). I've decided to fly back down to be with him and take care of him after whichever procedure he has. he has a roommate from hell so staying at his apartment isn't going to happen- again- and she'll probably take possession of the car- again. again- both out of spite and not need. I've anticipated both of these. she's also supposedly looking for another place and has been ever since I left but she's dragging her heals big time. I hate that the reason I'm going down to see him (his health) but I am so excited to see him again I can barely sleep (even though we're going to feel nothing but stress from all angles). I know that he's going to feel better that I'll be there with him during this scary thing.

    He is going to appreciate it so much you being there to take care of him. I don't know any of your back stories but I would stay with him even if he has a bitch of a roommate. My mom was here taking care of me after surgery and now that she is gone I haven't been doing half the things I should be...eating enough etc. It was really nice to have someone here to help me out of bed and make me food.


      that was my original plan- stay with him at his apartment. but she said that she'd have her relatives over partying all the time so we'd never get a moments peace. and for a man who is on the verge of having a heart attack he can't have that kind of stress. after I had left she came back to the apartment and they had it out- she apologized (but didn't mean it) and he fell to the kitchen floor clutching his chest. he had told her repeatedly that he can't handle this kind of stress. so after seeing him fall to the floor she said- well I guess I'll go now- and she turned around and walked out. his cardiologist is amazed that he's still living, especially after the 2 weeks of hell she put us thru (particularly him) when I was with him. if his heart wasn't an issue we'd stay at his place. but I can't have him stressed out- it could kill him.


        She is planning on having parties while he is there trying to recover? Or is he going to stay elsewhere?


          she said she would invite her relatives to stay over and they like to drink and party all night long so we wouldn't be able to rest. mind you- she never is at the apartment anyway. she stays with her cousin 99% of the time. she's threatening all of this because she hates me. again- on an unfounded basis. because of her psycho behavior we're going to have to stay elsewhere.


            She is full of shit if she is going to have her relatives over to party, whilst your boyfriend is recovering from heart surgery. I wish I could get my GF to hit her across the face. She needs it.

            EDIT: And to the dismay of your partner, you really need to tell this girl to get fucked and to get her head out of her butt. I bet she would step down something fierce if you stood up to her.
            Last edited by Tooki; August 2, 2012, 09:14 AM.


              That is really crazy. Maybe it's really for the best if both you guys stay elsewhere for the moment. He really shouldn't be stressed out like that. I think it's great you'll be able to be there for him
              I'll keep my fingers crossed for you guys that he only needs a stent and no bypass. Maybe I have mentioned it but my dad had a heart attack a few months ago and he said he felt much better immediately after the surgery because his heart was working properly again. The pain and all that heavy feeling on his chest were gone at once.


                Oh no! I wish you and him the best of luck. That must be a very tough situation to be in. I'm sorry about the roommate. Maybe she has jealousy issues. o.O;; Either way, if it's possible, staying somewhere else would probably be best. She sounds extremely selfish. Best of luck


                  First of all, that's the craziest, most selfish person I've ever heard of. But then, you know this. You're dealing with her.

                  But really, it's awesome that you'll be able to be with him during his surgery. That's really great for the both of you. I've been keeping up with your story, and really hoping for good things for you and especially for your SO's health. I know heart issues can be VERY scary (though mine have always been minor). It's good that things finally came together for him to get the care he needs especially since he'll have such a loving, devoted nurse throughout recovery.
                  Met online: Nov 2010 - Met in person: Nov 20, 2010
                  Closed the distance: April 27, 2011
                  Accepted to PhD program 200 miles away: March 2012
                  LD again: July 24, 2012
                  Left School and Closed the Distance for good: March 8, 2013
                  Married: November 1, 2014
                  Started job 200 miles away: February 23, 2015


                    Originally posted by Tooki View Post
                    She is full of shit if she is going to have her relatives over to party, whilst your boyfriend is recovering from heart surgery. I wish I could get my GF to hit her across the face. She needs it.

                    EDIT: And to the dismay of your partner, you really need to tell this girl to get fucked and to get her head out of her butt. I bet she would step down something fierce if you stood up to her.
                    lol I would love to do this but I'm trying to take the high road. it hasn't been easier because I really want to just go off on her. it's awful how we have to tiptoe around her in order to get her to do what we want. besides getting my fiance's heart healthy again we're just wanting her stupid ass out of the apartment. then let her return and start all kinds of trouble. a phone call to the police, then a restraining order will take care of that. she really has some nerve because after EVERYTHING she's done to him and to me she was insisting that she was coming to the hospital when my babe goes in there. then she was all like- and if Kerry even looks at me wrong "it's on" and I will be all over her. really? she's going to try to hit me in a hospital? she could try.. haha

                    it is also very possible I will see her whenever we go to his apartment to get whatever he needs. if she's there my plan is to just ignore her. if she starts he will handle it immediately but I have no qualms about getting right up in her face if I have to. I'm not an aggressive person in this manner but for her I'd make an exception. if she starts talking smack I'll be giving it right back, to which this is all just ridiculous.


                      Originally posted by Kiyama View Post
                      That is really crazy. Maybe it's really for the best if both you guys stay elsewhere for the moment. He really shouldn't be stressed out like that. I think it's great you'll be able to be there for him
                      I'll keep my fingers crossed for you guys that he only needs a stent and no bypass. Maybe I have mentioned it but my dad had a heart attack a few months ago and he said he felt much better immediately after the surgery because his heart was working properly again. The pain and all that heavy feeling on his chest were gone at once.
                      that is sooo great to hear! and gives me hope that my guy will be ok. these past few days ave been so very hard on him- lots of attacks. I've been keeping him as stress free as possible and helping him when he has his attacks. I just want him to feel ok again. then we'll hopefully get approval from his insurance company so he can have a special nerve test done so he can FINALLY have back surgery.


                        Originally posted by sewbama View Post
                        First of all, that's the craziest, most selfish person I've ever heard of. But then, you know this. You're dealing with her.

                        But really, it's awesome that you'll be able to be with him during his surgery. That's really great for the both of you. I've been keeping up with your story, and really hoping for good things for you and especially for your SO's health. I know heart issues can be VERY scary (though mine have always been minor). It's good that things finally came together for him to get the care he needs especially since he'll have such a loving, devoted nurse throughout recovery.
                        her actions are just described with one word- unbelievable. it almost feels like I'm living in a soap opera. I'm determined to take care of my fiance and make himadhere to what the doctor says. he knows there'll probably be some changes he'll have to make and he knows I'll make him adhere to them 100%. if the doc says "no (blank)" then that's how it'll be. just call me Nurse Ratchet. lol j/k

