Ok so i'm starting college in a couple weeks, and my boyfriend is so worried that i'm gonna meet someone and leave him or cheat on him. I've told him plenty of times that it doesn't matter who i meet because when it comes down to it it's not him and that i love him to death and that he's only the guy i want to be with. i've been in love with him years and he knows this, i just wish this was some way for me to cease his worrying. Please if any of you have suggestions help me out?
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Starting College Soon, Help Needed
Really the only thing you can do is explain your feelings to him. Tell him why you love him and that he has to trust you. One of the biggest factors in a long distance relationship is trust. It is hard to make it work if you don't trust each other. My boyfriend was kind of worried when I started college as well. He was already in college but we go to different colleges. But after the first semester he felt better. Good luck!
"I love you and I've loved you all along and I miss you. Been far away for far too long."<3
Agreed. /: I mean, college is a huge experience and you're going to meet a huge load of new people who are completely different to the ones you're used to, so your boyfriend's fears aren't crazy at all, or anything. The only thing you can do when you get to college is just keep up communication, reassure him and keep him updated on what you're doing. Be honest, too! If you're going out to a party, tell him! Don't hide it and then have him find out somehow -- even if you weren't with guys, it will still seem a bit shady. Best of luck!"If you get hungry enough, they say, you start eating your own heart"
i agree with the posters above, communicate with him. There really isn't much you can do than to reassure him that things will not change, despite the distance between the both of you. I can see from his standpoint where he would be a bit unease about the whole finding someone else thing; you're so far away from him. However, just because you're going to meet thousands of new people doesn't mean you will leave your SO for them.
I hope things will work out for yougood luck in college!
I don't plan on partying, but i can't keep anything and i mean literally anything from him. i'm just not that kind of person, it kills me to do so. As for communicate i've told him i'll talk to him as much as i can and that if i end up not having a lot of time to talk to him i'll make time for him.