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    I have one coming up in September. All the girls are talking about it, planning on what dress they'll wear and what makeup and hair or whatever. I never thought about going. I just was never interested, plus I'd never be asked out and all the friends who promised we'd go together would end up ditching me. But I guess he brought out something in me.

    It's not so much that I want to go, than that I want something like that with him. I know I can't bring him with me, but I was thinking of maybe having our own little... formal at home, I guess. Dressing up, going on webcam. We can't dance but I guess it's better than nothing. It's kinda embarassing though. I don't want to ask him in case he thinks it's stupid or feels pressured into doing it for me. Can I ask your opionions, please?

    It's a cute idea! Don't put too much pressure on him, especially about clothes and things. If he can just wear the nicest thing he has, it would be fun. But playing music, lighting candles, having a meal together would be really nice!


      aww that would be really cute. you should ask him what he thinks about it. when my SO went to prom, he said he wished i could be there and that he thought about me the whole time. we came up with the idea of having our own prom. when we meet, we want to get all dressed up and have our own little dance. play music, and look good, and just dance together. i can't wait!
      [CENTER]"To truly love something, you must first give it a chance to fail. If it survives, it is going to be stronger than ever. Distance is pure proof of this, and forever we will love if we survive."


        I'd ask. Even if all he does is put on a tie over a t-shirt, it gets the point across. My SO and I have tea parties over webcam where we each brew tea and have snacks and just talk. In the end it doesn't change much, but it's fun to do little things like that. Plus I'm sure he'd love to see you dolled up just for him.


          It can't hurt to ask ^^

          Actually I think it'd be cool to do this on a massive scale.... If we all had the same video conference software we could have a ball >.> literally.

          This shows I have had no caffine today ^
          Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person

