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A Question for those out there...

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    A Question for those out there...

    ...who have "closed the distance".

    Why is there a need to call yourself an LDR survivor? It seems like it holds an extreme negative connotation to being an LDR in the first place; like it's some kind of disease.
    Nothing that anyone needs to comment on, unless they want to explain it. Just felt like a bit of randomness, since I had the thought.

    I think survivor is the right word, I mean LDRs are extremely rough. We have to survive being away from our SO's and that intense heartache that comes with leaving your loved one at the airport. Not to mention LDRs can sometimes be a bit hazardous to relationships, learning how to cope with little contact and still be in a relationship. Anytime there is a challenge I think those who complete it successfully are survivors.

    Met: 8.17.09
    Started Dating: 8.20.09
    First Met: 10.2.10
    Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


      Well LDR's are tough to get through - not everyone is cut out for it.

      I don't think I've ever called myself a "survivor" but I'm proud of myself (and my boyfriend) for fighting through all the pain and obstacles in order to be together.


        I dont think it is being disrespectful or creating a negative impact to people who are still in a LDR. Closing the distance after being apart for many years is a feeling that cant be explained in words. the last few months/weeks of waiting to close the distance is going to be the hardest. (I know how it feels, when the day gets so near, and you have to impatiently wait for visas, documents) ultimately when two people close the distance there is a feeling of triumph. so its legit to call themselves LDR survivors. because distance is the only thing that can break or make 2 people. surviving the distance = surviving the hardest challenge in life when it comes to relationships. You probably have not experienced the feeling of getting so close to closing the distance and the hardships it comes with it. when you do, you will come to terms with the term LDR survival


          Where has anyone been referring to themselves as an "LDR Survivor"? In the blogs? I must have missed something.

          I agree with all of the other posters: it all chalks up to individual experience. Sometimes LDRs are easier than you thought they would be and sometimes they're like trench warfare. Of course nobody here thinks being in an LDR is a bad thing. We're all here, aren't we?


            I've never called myself that either, but my guess would be because people are PROUD that their relationships "went the distance" when so many fail. It's not really them as individuals that survived, rather their relationship.
            Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


              I've never seen anyone call themselves a LDR survivor.


                i think i know where you saw the LDR survivor in the LFAD alumni...but its just written "for the those who have survived an LDR" or something along those lines...


                  In the end...

                  With just the few replies that have been posted, I think I understand why. Closing and keeping the thread.

