hi everyone i want to keep this short and simple so i dont annoy anyone. my bf and i have been on a LDR for about 1 and 3 months but he still eint skype with me. at first i was doubting him since we met on line but now i'm completely fine and there is no trust issues or anything like that, but he still doesnt want to skype he'll have some excuse and i just want some advice on how to maybe convince him to do it.
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skyping? does it help the relationship??
Just thought i'd ask, if you met online have you met him/seen a real pic of him for sure?? There are many reasons someone might not want to skype so don't worry. Some people find it embarracing, some don't know how to do it? I'd just tell him that it's important to you as having a skype session will really help you deal with an LDR. If it were me and my girlfriend explained it like that i'd bend over backwards to make sure i did everything i could to make the LDR work. Good luck
It took me four years to let my SO see me on a webcam - and that was months after he bought me oneSome people are terrified of that stuff. Likewise, I didn't speak with him using my voice, aside from the occasional phone call, for several years either. It's really hard for some people to get past.
Find out what he is comfortable with, and work up to it gently, maybe show him the way by doing it yourself but not expecting him to reciprocate. (ie, you talk or be on cam, but he just types) Show him it's not scary.Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person
Like the other posters have said, ask him why he doesn't like using skype before jumping to conclusions. I'd also like to know if you've ever seen a photo of him,if you haven't I would consider that fishy.
Some people have their own reasons to why they don't like to use skype. I admit I didn't like it at first because i'm awkward and shy on camera. Don't pressure him into doing something he's not comfortable with. :]Made it official: 12-01-10
First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
Closed the distance: 07-31-13
Yeah, I figure you should ask him why. He could just be really anxious about it, I know I was a little bit before we first cammed.
And yes I believe it can help the relationship. Unlimited free calling and webcam hours? Sounds like a good thing to me lol. It lets me talk to my girl whenever we can, it lets us see a livefeed of each other, it allows us to be in constant close/intimate communication. I think it's a good thing for any LDR
I'd second trying to find out just why he's unwilling to Skype with you, and also wonder if you've seen verifiable photos of him and are able to verify that he is who he says he is. I personally don't get it, because my husband and I were camming within weeks of our first conversation, but I know some people can be shy or jittery about it. For us, Skype was an absolutely essential tool in maintaining our LDR. To be able to see each other's facial expressions while talking, to be able to interact with each other in such an intimate way, really helped us a great deal to cope with the distance. There was once about 3 days I had to be without my computer because it was overheating so badly and not performing, and so I had to drop it off with the Geek Squad to be looked over. Having only the phone, texts, and emails since at the time I was using a data plan, even just for those 3 days SUCKED, and it was so cool finally getting my laptop back and being able to see his face again.