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    Please help

    So a hard part of a LDR is that showing your S/O how much you love them. I feel that words can only go so far, how can I show my S/O how much he means to me and how much I love him...

    Send him things in the mail. Send him letters, or even just short notes... You can order him lunch one day if you know of a favorite place he likes to go...have it delivered to him (if possible)! Surprise emails are nice too... Yes, we can text, skype, talk on the phone etc, but using ALL of our available forms of communication, I think, can really mean something, because some times it's not expected. When you can text and talk to each other so easily, you don't always expect to check your email (or snail-mail box!) and find something from your SO. So, it's a nice surprise! Again, it doesn't have to be fancy and elaborate...the small, thoughtful things count too.

    I recently sent my SO a shirt of fact, it was the shirt I wore on the first day we met. She told me she cried when she saw it and it really made her feel closer to me.

    edit: I just noticed, hello fellow Californian hehe
    First met online: October 15th, 2011
    First met in-person: July 13th, 2012

    Next meeting: September 21st, 2012


      LOVE LETTERS! They're so much fun! I also draw my boyfriend silly pictures once in a while and send them to him they're not any good but he likes them anyway hehehe.
      Made it official: 12-01-10
      First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
      Closed the distance: 07-31-13


        I agree with the other two comments, send cute little things in the mail to one another. You can text and talk on the phone all day long, but when you see that special something in your mailbox and it's tangible and you can look it over whenever you want to in order to remind you of your SO, I think it makes a big difference. I actually just got the sweetest card in the mail from my boyfriend yesterday when I got home from work, it was simply beautiful what he wrote, but he also mentioned that he was walking through the store on the way to check out and it made him think of me when he saw it. Just do those little things here and there that make you think of him, if he's anything like my boyfriend, he'll love it.

        Met: June 2019
        Dating: December 2019
        First Meeting: April 2020 (Coming soon!)

        "Simple as can be."
        - Florida Georgia Line -


          Thanks guys for the responses I will have to try them out and see what he thinks.

