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my ldr ended u think it's worth fighting for?

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    my ldr ended u think it's worth fighting for?

    well, actually it ended 2 months ago but.. it hasn't officially ended for me yet. we're still in touch.

    in the last 2 weeks of our relationship the SO was pretty much ignoring me.
    well, i've understood that he was taking a "break" without telling me or talking about it with me.
    I called him and broke up with him. I was crying and trying to make him say "i want to be with you". (pathetic, yeah.)
    he still loves me, but says he don't have enough time to put into the relationship (work a lot of hours a day and is trying to travel and see the country he's in).
    i've been fighting with myself all these 2 months. i forgave him for what he has put me trough, but i just can't get pass the fact that he says that he still loves me, that he's excited to hear my voice or getting a message from me. i keep thinking that he just might not love me enough.
    i really feel like he's special, but i don't want to feel like i'm in the relationship alone as i did in the end.
    i've told him that. he says that he has no solution or answer for us.
    what do you think? should i give up? keep fighting? is it worth fighting?
    i broke up with him, but he kind of made me do that.. :\

    If you both think it's worth fighting for, then it is.
    If only one of you think it's worth fighting for, then it's not.


      Well if it's been his job keeping him from being "there" in the relationship, that can't be helped. And some people do want to do things on their own before they 'settle' or whatever they might think they're doing. What it sounds like was a lack of communication between you two since you mention he was taking a break and was not telling you. Did you tell him your side of that when you found out?

      Was it just those two weeks that prompted the break up? If that's it, it can be fixed if you two would properly communicate and lay out how you each feel. A lot of times people in a LDR feel the relationship is hopeless because it's very hard, especially if one is extremely busy or can't always contact the other as much as either would like.


        I agree with you.
        And most problems overall can just be solved by talking about it directly with your SO, instead of sitting and wondering and worrying about it.

