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I'm back!

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    I'm back!

    Hey everyone!

    So I just got back from a three month visit with my SO. This forum move quickly, so there will be people who remember me and lots and lots of new people (hi!)

    So, we were supposed to close the distance this September, but my SO just couldn't make the money. This year he's had a car stolen, and a phone stolen, but didnt recieve compensation for either (for various reasons). So there just wasn't the money.

    At the moment everything is a bit up in the air, but it's looking a bit like I won't get to see him til this time next year. If we want to save enough to close the distance, we probably wont be able to afford to visit on top of that.

    So yeah, my position has done a complete 180 this summer. It sucks, majorly, but I'm sucking it up and trying to figure out some way around this mess.

    And I'm back in the waiting game. *rolls eyes*

    hey well yes i remember you, welcome back its great to hear that you went to see your SO and sorry about the way things have taken a different turn :/ i hope things will work out fine, and a year will go by sooner than you think all the best and good luck


      Welcome back! I'm so glad you had an awesome visit. It really sucks that all of that happened, but things have a weird way of working out so I'm sure things will go your way. Good luck!!!

      "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

      Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


        Welcome back! I'm really glad you had a great time, but of course it sucks that you have to wait for longer now... Wish you all the best!


          Glad to have you back . I'm so sorry that your plans and circumstances have changed, though. That must be so rough. You'll always have the LFAD family to support you!


            Haha, the one good thing about being long distance was finding lfad!


              Welcome back! I am sorry to hear about your plans falling through. Good luck I hope everything works out!

              "I love you and I've loved you all along and I miss you. Been far away for far too long."<3


                Welcome back!


                  I didn't know you before, but welcome back! Glad to hear you had a great 3 months with your guy!


                    Good (not sure if that is the right word??) to see you back. I mean I wish it was as a alumni, but as we all know, things happen. However, you always have us! Hope your trip was fun!

