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How to talk to them, or if I should?

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    How to talk to them, or if I should?

    Okay so I made a group of friends here. Mostly guys, there's Emily, Patrick, Dean, Greg, then there's me and Deanna.
    I met Deanna at school who introduced me to all the others.

    I like them and they are okay, My boyfriend is okay with me staying the night with them on occasion ( not all the time tho )
    The thing is ( and Robert knows this part ) that Emily, Patrick, Dean and I think Greg ( not so much Greg as everyone else ) are VERY open sexually. Like Emily sleeps with all the guys in the group, Patrick HATES relationships. Dean is okay, and so is Greg.

    Now I don't have a problem with the openness of this group, thats never bothered me. But what really bothers me is that They view my boyfriend as controlling, ( thats the part I haven't told Robert, He worries about what others think of him ) At first it didn't bother me what they thought, until they started expressing it more. They'll be like " why are you with him " " he sounds controlling "

    Like they don't get boundaries when someone is in a relationship. About the only one that seems to Understand my relationship and respect it for that matter is Greg, which I find odd because he's got a huge crush on me, but never goes past whats okay, I didnt find out he had this crush until Deanna told me. He's very sweet, and very helpful when it comes to relationship problems. He's never tried to make a move, ( consoled me once when I thought Robert and I were going to break up, He just held my hand and held me until I calmed down, But never tried to make a move. ) I have a lot of respect for him as most guys don't care if someone they like has someone else, most guys would still try to make a move.

    Anyway my point is with Greg and Deanna being the only one that seem to respect that I'm in a relationship I'm not sure if I should talk to the others about it, or just ignore it.

    Also Patrick is a very huggy person. Like I don't mind giving guys hugs when I'm in a relationship, but its awckword for me when its a full hug instead of just a side arm hug, as well as the fact that Patrick will like hug me for two minutes straight, ( no I'm not exaggerating on that ) And I'm not sure how to bring up how it makes me feel without offending him. I mean he isnt a bad guy or anything, I don't want to hurt his feelings. But I feel that not only does a two minute hug from a guy make me feel weird, it would also make Robert uneasy as well, which I can totally understand.

    Any Advice on how to approach this ?
    " There is always hope.

    "Hey, it's not about you - it's all me, here, but I don't like being hugged for more than a second or so. It makes me squirm."
    If he's a friend worth having, that should be all you need to say. If he's tries it on again at any point after being told that, then physically shove him away, and say, "Hey, I told you I don't like that!" - he'll get the message soon enough.

    "Guys, I get that you're all very intimate with each other, and I think that's cool, but I am in a monogamous relationship with Robert because he's the only guy I want. I'm just too crazy about him to even really notice anyone else! *smiley face* Thanks for understanding, I really appreciate your respect for this."
    Again, if they're true friends who value your boundaries, this should do the trick.

    If they don't, or they try to argue, then you may need to take a firmer and less compassionate stand on the matter.


