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Soon it's time

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    Soon it's time

    A lot of things are starting to happen really fast now.
    July is getting closer and closer and holds the very key for my future.
    The 14th of July i will travel to the capital Stockholm for an interview with the US Embassy.
    There shouldn't be anything that would make them disapprove my visa, but i still can't really calm down about it.
    Other than that, if my visa get's approved it will be alot of planning for my move to California.
    I'll have to get plane ticket, check more intensively for apartments and prolly a cheap temporary motel to live in, since it doesn't look like they are very keen on talking about apartments if you're not there in person. I've e-mailed about around 12 apartments, just to ask for more detailed information about it, and so far just one replied and asked me to call her. That's not a very good rate.

    Idk really what i feel right now. A bit shocked perhaps that suddenly everything is really happening. Like away is everything managed via internet and now i'll really feel that it's something real.
    I'm not saying i regret my decision in any way, just that well it turned from really far away to relatively close so fast.
    To top it all off. Tomorrow my dear and wonderful girlfriend will leave for a week in Arizona. We won't really have much contact when she's there, which ofc sucks. I know it's just a week and well looking at everyone else that got much worse than that i feel kind of bad having troubles coping with one week.
    But the thing is that when she gets back from Arizona we have some 3 days before she's off another week, this time for Hawaii.
    Both reasons for the trip is volleyball, she's just too good i suppose haha.
    And when she get's back from Hawaii i'll have to go to Stockholm.
    So yeah everything is just really mixing together.I try at the same time to earn money in every way i can. It's hard though, since i'm very late with summer jobs and stuff like that.
    I'll prolly leave a note in the local grocery store offering my fantastic services in mowing lawns
    Maybe someone call, most likely noone will. But it can't hurt anyone with trying, right?

    Mhhh so this was just ranting

    I'm happy for you that progress is being made. I bet it is scary to be making such a leap in what seems like a short amount of time. But I know you'll make it and be much better for it!

    And don't worry, I hate going an hour without talking to my SO so I know the torture of a week or two.


      awwww good luck *huggles*


        Originally posted by LadyMarchHare View Post
        I'm happy for you that progress is being made. I bet it is scary to be making such a leap in what seems like a short amount of time. But I know you'll make it and be much better for it!

        And don't worry, I hate going an hour without talking to my SO so I know the torture of a week or two.
        Haha it's just i can't imagine myself being in some peoples shoes. And with some people ofc meaning those having it much worse.

        Originally posted by Caitlin2009 View Post
        awwww good luck *huggles*

        Haha gotta love this forum really. All other forums there would come in people complaining about the lack of discussion value or thread without point or something like that.
        I LOVE YOU LFAD!


          awwwwww!! good luck! My SO lives in California too!

          I cannot wait to write a post about me going to see him, hopefully within the next 5 months...
          He just gets me... <3


            I'm sitting here now. My SO is asleep on the webcam for five minutes after pulling an all-nighter.
            Soon she'll have to pack her stuff and go away for a week.
            This goodbye is like so much harder than i thought it would be.
            Earlier we had like a fake call for good bye, but we managed to postpone that, but when she heard about that she started crying!
            And my Katelyn never cries. Ofc i started to cry too because it was so heartwrenching to see her cry.
            The only good thing from her crying is that it means so much, especially considering she never cries, to know she cries because she'll miss me you know.
            I feel so special because of that, it's really the greatest love declaration possible in an LDR, according to me, even tho it's also the saddest.

            So yeah i'll have to get over this somehow and she'll be back soon. I just wish we didn't have to ever say good bye.


              oh my dearest darling marcus!
              i love you superly duperly much!
              i know this week in arizona is going to be hard
              but remember to keep your eye on the PRIZE
              EYE ON THE PRIZE
              and plus this year we also have EMAILS
              i promise that i'll try my best to write you one EVERY SINGLE DAY!
              don't worry darling, its rly only 5 days that i'll be gone.
              and what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger right?
              so this week will definitely strengthen our relationshiop ;]
              and we'll be pros at in when the hawaii week comes!
              so rly darling, try your best to not miss me too much and dwell on the present situation!
              look forward to the BRIGHT and BEAUTIFUL future we have together

              I LOVE YOU BUTTERCUP!


                oh my dearest darling marcus!
                i love you superly duperly much!
                i know this week in arizona is going to be hard
                but remember to keep your eye on the PRIZE
                EYE ON THE PRIZE
                and plus this year we also have EMAILS
                i promise that i'll try my best to write you one EVERY SINGLE DAY!
                don't worry darling, its rly only 5 days that i'll be gone.
                and what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger right?
                so this week will definitely strengthen our relationshiop ;]
                and we'll be pros at in when the hawaii week comes!
                so rly darling, try your best to not miss me too much and dwell on the present situation!
                look forward to the BRIGHT and BEAUTIFUL future we have together

                I LOVE YOU BUTTERCUP!


                  congratulations! good luck, have fun, and all that stuff.


                    Originally posted by ameriden34 View Post
                    oh my dearest darling marcus!
                    i love you superly duperly much!
                    i know this week in arizona is going to be hard
                    but remember to keep your eye on the PRIZE
                    EYE ON THE PRIZE
                    and plus this year we also have EMAILS
                    i promise that i'll try my best to write you one EVERY SINGLE DAY!
                    don't worry darling, its rly only 5 days that i'll be gone.
                    and what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger right?
                    so this week will definitely strengthen our relationshiop ;]
                    and we'll be pros at in when the hawaii week comes!
                    so rly darling, try your best to not miss me too much and dwell on the present situation!
                    look forward to the BRIGHT and BEAUTIFUL future we have together

                    I LOVE YOU BUTTERCUP!
                    (i know that it's soon over with everything, but i still wanted to post what i wanted to post after you left)

                    I love you too Katelyn!
                    I miss you so much already!
                    I'll try my best to keep my eye on the prize, but it's hard right now.
                    You left like 3 minutes ago but i'm already destroyed!
                    That's right we do have emails this time, and our cells overall!
                    Thanks i will for sure leave you voicemessages on your cell every single day.
                    You are right. You are right. It will make us stronger, if that's even!
                    Yeah perhaps, but maybe i don't want to be pro at this sad business, i just wish it didn't even have to exist.

                    I'll try my best for you honey. I'll try to not miss you too much. The keyword there is try.
                    Yeah our future is the best thing to think about. It has gotten me through some hard stuff already.
                    I love you too Katelyn!<3


                      Now once again she's going away. Fortunately an easier week then last but still.
                      In 8 days i will have my interview at the embassy.
                      Why can't it exist like a switch to turn off worrying. It serves no point, just making it a lot harder.
                      I'm so excited about it but at the same time very anxious and scared.

                      Ok i can admit that i have some kind of disease that makes me worry ALL the time about all different kinds of stuff.
                      Hopefully the streak of luck that Katelyn and i have experienced lately will keep on. We are usually the most unlucky persons on this planet.
                      But yeah i'll stop rambling now.

