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Welcome Back My Friends to the Show that Never Ends

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    Welcome Back My Friends to the Show that Never Ends

    You'll probably see a lot more of me around here now. I already posted to Vets about this, but I figured I'd make a thread here too for those of you who are non-vets. My SO just left to go back to Rochester today. We had closed the distance for about 6 months because of something that happened at his school where he had to come home early. For those of you who don't know our story, we were best friends for 11 years before we started dating, then he went away to college and I stayed home for college, thus the LDR. It was very sudden that the news that my SO would be going back to Rochester was sprung on us. We found out on Monday, and they only told him Wednesday that he was expected to be up there on Friday (today), so we had less than a week to mentally prepare for this. We've been together for a little over 2 years now and we spend about 18 months of that time LD, so I'm an old pro lol. If you guys ever have any questions, feel free to PM me! I am sure I'll be needing the support of my friends here at LFAD a lot to get through this. I seem to be feeling okay with it all so far, but I do have my moments where it hits me "holy shit, he's not here" and those moments are hard. Anyway, I'm back in an LDR again, but I would like to keep my alumni badge. I hope nobody is offended if I do keep it.

    "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

    Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.

    I can't imagine why anyone would be offended, your separation is just temporary While it's hard to be apart at present, it's great that your SO has been given another chance to lay stronger foundations for his future; that can only benefit both of you in the long run Keep your chin up, you've defeated distance once, you'll do it again!

