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Dropping in to say hi~ and a general question

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    Dropping in to say hi~ and a general question

    Hiii, I doubt anyone remembers me but hi, how are all of your relationships going and is everyone looking forward to Labor Day weekend?

    As for the general question-What, in your opinion, consistutes a one sided friendship and what is dealing with a good person who's just bad at keeping in touch in general?

    Of course I remember you We may not have interacted much but I read most of what gets posted around here.

    The SO & I are still going strong - but having lots & lots of discussions about who is going where - which is causing a headache. But it's a 3 day weekend for me and he'll be here in 11 days!

    As far as friendships being one-sided vs. a friend who's just bad at keeping in touch. I am the friend who is bad at keeping in touch. Sometimes life gets in the way of all of your best intentions. After I had my son, most of my friendships changed. Those who didn't have kids couldn't relate to my life anymore. Those who had kids understood, but were just as crazy as I was in trying to manage their life as a parent. I never wanted to be a bad friend and drift away from people, or intentionally make things one sided, but it happened on occasion. I am trying to get better at it as I get older. Especially since being in a LDR shows you how very important communication with another person is to a relationship. But it is still a struggle. And that's why I am thankful for Facebook, because I can be more involved in my friends lives even if I'm not able to spend time with them.

    Now, I used my child as my example, but substitute this in for an overly demanding job, or school and it works the same. Then it's worse if you have more factors that take up all of your time. Like, having a child PLUS the demanding job.

    If you're feeling left out, try not to make the other person feel guilty, but it's good for you to tell them that you miss them and want to spend more time with them. They will try and make the time as soon as they have it. I have mandatory mom's nights out every so often so I can go hang with my girls and spend the quality time with them that we all need.


      Haha maybe I should have posted this in the veterans thread, I feel like more people would know me there lol.

      The friend in question is actually a guy, and my attachment to him might be complicated by the fact that he was my first crush. I am long since over the romantic part of it, but I think I'm still unduly fond of him for no reason. He's nice and we have fun in person-he picked me up from school Tuesday and paid for my dinner after I paid for parking, but he drives me INSANE otherwise. He lives in New York now, and will not reply to a single thing I send him on email. Does not have text. I don't want to have a long distance relationship, just a long distance friendship, but it's almost more frustrating than my previous LDR despite the fact that he speaks perfect English and is in the same country!

