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New to Long Distance

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    New to Long Distance

    I've only been in a long distance relationship for three months, but so far I haven't regretted a single second of it!

    yay! lol
    Made it official: 12-01-10
    First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
    Closed the distance: 07-31-13


      You're off to a good start then I hope everything continues to work out for you!


        I am relatively new to long distance as first I was really iffy about it..but he is worth it Glad you are enjoying it.


          I am new to this also. I met him online and we got matched a month ago. He seems like a nice guy but our communication is slowing down. =( School starts soon and I want to balance everything well and not to lose him. Would it be a risky situation for me if I decide to go to visit him during winter break? Even if he offers, for me to stay at his house, I should not accept right?


            My boyfriend and I have been together for a little over three months now. And I can relate to how you feel about things going great with your LDR. Every day I look forward to being with him and meeting him and starting a life together. I always try to remember that no matter how long we will both have to wait, we are so completely in love that in the end we know that it will be so worth it! I wish you luck in your LDR and I hope things continue to go well for the both of you. And if you ever want to talk to so someone I'm here. I know I could use someone to talk to every now and again! Again good luck!!

