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I'm done.

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    I'm done.

    I'm done with him. On Friday, he put on facebook for me to see that he's dating the bitch he cheated on me with. I called him up on Friday angry, 'cause he had said we were on a break and that he didn't want it to be totally over with us. All he did was yell at me, cuss me out, basically accuse me of being a cheating whore (when I never did anything in the first place!!!), and told me that a month of not talking to him is too long and it should've been long enough to "get over" him cheating on me and all that. I've been a mess since friends took me in and took care of me all weekend. I think that was the first time I had ever cried in my dad's arms...about anything. I was up 'til 2 or 3 this morning just crying my eyes out... The last few months of the relationship, he became pretty abusive...emotionally and sexually...I'm just so fucking mad at myself. I should've gotten out when it started, but I stayed 'cause I loved him and I was stupid and thought he loved me too...but he took his love for me back on Friday Just hate this!! He destroyed me, for HIS benefit!! And now he's with that slut! Well I hope they both get what they deserve. Karma's a bitch.

    I'm just done. With him. With long-distance relationships. With online relationships. With everything. I'm just done.

    Try not to beat yourself up too much. You're free of him now, and that's what matters. I'm sorry you're in so much pain, all of this really sucks. I wish I could give you a hug.


      That's terrible I'm sorry he did this to you...
      First met online: October 15th, 2011
      First met in-person: July 13th, 2012

      Next meeting: September 21st, 2012


        NO you're NOT done!

        you, my friend, are going to wear a happy face and post some happy face piccies on your facebook.
        show the world you're glad you got rid of this little prick....

        calling you a whore is in my book not an option.... the only one behaving as a whore is HE..... not even the girl he is with now.... she might not even know what has been going on.... HE is the one making mistakes... and you show him you feel good about yourself by getting rid of him.
        that's the best revenge..... and allow you to take back your power and control over YOUR life...

        don't close up because of this little man...... you might miss the right person because of that and you are WAY too pretty and nice for that.

        promise me?

        we are here for you if you want to talk....

        take care sweetie....
        The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.

        Carl Jung (1875 - 1961)


          Oh Chelle... I'm so sorry.

          I know it's hard not to beat yourself up when you realize how much you put on the line for a guy who just didn't care and wasn't worth it, but everything will be alright in the end. You'll be alright. I promise.

          Go out with your friends, talk about it as much as you need... cry as much as you want but NEVER show him how much it affected you. I think Carenza LaRue has a point here... if he had been abusive lately, seeing how much it hit you will only fuel this kind of behavior. I'd say you better block him and take him out of your life for good. If he tries to reach you ignore him. I know there are times when you say someone is worth frighting for, but this is not the case. NO ONE DESERVES TO BE ABUSED, either emotionally, physically or sexually.

          If you need to talk, you can PM me or find me on FB (under Alita de Pollo)

          Hugs & Kisses


          “Laughing like children, living like lovers, rolling like thunder under the covers”


            YOU are the better person. You need to realize deep down how much better off you are without him. Yes, it took time for you to come to that realization, but you came to it sooner rather thanlater.
            Do not bash him, he will do enough of that to himself. Your job is to show the world how strong you are (even tho you dont feel it right now), if you were weak you wouldnt have walked away. Now you can move on with your life and better yourself.
            Take some time for YOU. Delete him from fb, try not to sneak a peak and see what he is up to. Delete his contact info from your email an phone etc. Hang out with friends and family. Dont dwell on the bad things that came out of this, and ask others not to as well as it only prolongs the healing.
            You will get thru this
            everything happens for a reason. We may never find out what that reason is/was, but there is a reason.


              I'm so sorry all this happened to you. My ex was emotionally abusive, so I know how hard it is to "just get over it". Give yourself time to heal. Talk it out if your feel comfortable, but if you don't (like I didn't) write, draw, dance, run... whatever you can to just give your emotions some venting space. In time you'll feel better and start to forgive yourself. For now, let me remind you that none of it is your fault and that you're a beautiful person (hugs).



                Thanks y'all

                Originally posted by subeasley View Post
                YOU are the better person. if you were weak you wouldnt have walked away
                I didn't walk away, he left me...that's the worst part :/


                  From your original post, he didnt leave you, he cheated on you. Then he left it up to you to declare the relationship over.
                  Do you still want to be with him? If not, then walk away. If yes, why?
                  You dont need someone like this in your life. Give your self time to grieve for what you once had. heal your self, then move on. There is someone out there is is worthy of your love and trust. it obviously isnt hm.
                  everything happens for a reason. We may never find out what that reason is/was, but there is a reason.


                    Whatever you do, do NOT let this BOY (I say boy since he lost his man title when he acted like a spoiled brat) make you bitter. I have been there, I was with a man who convinced me he hit me and cheat on me because I was so "boring". I let him make me bitter and make me think less of myself, and that is worse than anything. Do NOT give him that power. Understand that he is, as Carenza said, a little man. He obviously is broken and takes joy out of belittling women. That is HIS issue and not yours to take responsibility for. You fell in love, that is not a crime and you have nothing to feel guilty for. He is the one who should feel guilty, but you have to understand he most likely won't. Like my abusive ex, he will make excuses and turn it back around on you, he will make it out that YOU are overreacting, that YOU "pushed him" to this ect ect. Even him not leaving you but instead cheating and then leaving it in your hands was a type of manipulation and a way he was able to, I am sure, in his mind make it out that YOU "gave up".

                    Let this make you stronger, if you need to listen to Christina Aguilera's 'Fighter' over and over screaming it at the top of your lungs. The best thing you can do is, as others said, show him he can't break you. Be happy, fake it if you need too, but do NOT let him hurt you anymore. What he did is done, you can't change the past...but now is when you can say "You know what, I am NOT going to let him affect me like this anymore".

                    A good quote "Anyone can cause you pain, but only you can allow yourself to suffer"

                    If you want to talk feel free to PM me anytime or find me on Skype


                      Originally posted by subeasley View Post
                      From your original post, he didnt leave you, he cheated on you. Then he left it up to you to declare the relationship over.
                      How did he leave it up to me when he's the one who dumped me and left me to date the girl he cheated with?


                        I'm so so sorry he put you through that. I can think of a lot of nasty words I'd like to call him. I think pretty much everyone has already said all the things I'd like to say, but I do want to comment to show support and love.

                        And whatever he says, this easy your fault. He. Fucked. Up. And trying to make you feel shit about it is just a way of him trying to escape knowing what he's done.

                        Try really really hard to remember all the horrible awful things about him, because as much as it hurts to have your heart broken, there'll be a little relief in thinking "he was a complete cock, though, wasn't he?".

                        Lots of hugs and love.


                          It doesn't matter who broke up with who, as long as youre rid of him.
                          Made it official: 12-01-10
                          First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
                          Closed the distance: 07-31-13


                            I'm sorry he was such an ass to you, you definitely deserve better. Don't be mad at yourself, you got out of it and it's over. Be glad that it ended and you didn't allow yourself to continue on being abused by such a jerk off. I know it's hard but realize he's not worth crying over, even if you may have loved him he was useless! Look at all the things he did to you, just forget about him and move on. Delete/block him from facebook, and don't try and contact him anymore even if he tries to talk to you!
                            We've been together since 10.11.10

                            First Visit-7.13.11
                            Second Visit-12.17.11
                            Closed the distance-06.20.12


                              I'm glad you are done with him, but make sure that you sever ties completely so this toxic thing can never resurface. You deserve better. You deserve a life of joy and happiness with the one who truly loves you.

