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Meeting somewhere new

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    Meeting somewhere new

    Jared and I were talking, and he wants us to go on an adventure instead of me just coming to see him in Louisiana this time. At first he was wanting to go to Disney World, but I think I finally convinced him that that will be waaayyy to expensive.

    But now we are considering both meeting up in Boston for our next visit! It is definitely not a solid plan (and I do not even know if I can get off work ), but I think it would be a ton of fun considering neither of us have been there before, and we would make ton of memories!

    Actually...this is probably just us daydreaming because I doubt we have the $$$$, but I really want to try it eventually! Maybe our next visit or the next O_o

    Have any of you guys done anything like this before for your visits? If so, what did ya'll do?
    Last edited by Bluestars; July 1, 2010, 12:33 AM.

    That sounds like an awesome idea! It would be like taking a vacation together.


      Nope, we're poor ;_;. He wants to go to Japan though, meaning he expects me to crap out 6 grand, not counting spending money D:<! It doesn't help I haven't taken Japanese since my Junior year oh high school, and that was only one year. Dammit, we need someone who speaks the language! I'd rather go to Amsterdam where it's so much cheaper, there's more chances of someone who speaks English or Spanish, and were I can get stonned as hell legally and have me some damn good pancakes afterwards >.>...<.<...>.>...


        I live in the capital of Hungary and my boyfriend lives near Glasgow in the UK. We went to London together for a concert in February and in two weeks we're going to go on a holiday to lake Balaton. Although Balaton is in Hungary, it's a 3 hours long journey from my home so we consider it a holiday. Plus, it's a tourist spot with a nice beach and lots of places to visit. We plan to go to London again next summer for a longer period of time but obviously we have to stay within the budget. I suggest you book your accomodation a couple of months before the trip! Have fun~


          if you want something bad enough you can make it happen! give it a try you'll be surprised on how much money you save up if you give it a shot, and no not yet we havent we have discussed a few things though
          Last edited by Caitlin2009; July 1, 2010, 03:15 PM.


            No, not yet. My SO lives in New Zealand so her holidays start at a completely different time then mine. So it would be hard to find a perfect time to travel anyway. But we did talk about that we want to travel a lot. Once we live together and can take days off from work. We want to travel the US together, Europe and so on. Right now we're just absolutely happy if we can see each other. No matter where.


              My SO and I were talking about taking a road trip someday, when he has a car and when we have the money of course. He would drive down from Canada to get me, then we would ride back together, maybe taking a few stops and seeing some of our online friends on the way, haha. Maybe next year it can be possible.


                Oh yes, a road trip! My SO and I have been talking about that too. We would absolutely love that. Just enjoying each other's company, driving around and looking at the beautiful scenery. It sounds lovely.


                  My SO and I will be doing that next year, we are going to Washington D.C for 2 weeks. It's always exciting because neither of us has been there.

                  Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


                    I would love to do this with my SO. We've always thought of going to England, mainly because it's close-ish to him so it wouldn't be too expensive (he's got a bit of a tight money situation going on) and I've always wanted to go there. He suggested doing this earlier, but I would rather spend a little extra and get to see him in his own village with his family and friends so I can really get to know him, and I'm not sure how my parents would feel about me running off to England for two weeks or whatever with some boy they haven't met who I've only spent around ten minutes with in person, so maybe after we spend some time together we'll put these plans into action.


                      in my previous LDR, we met halfway between the two states and stayed in a was fun, we both were able to go on a road trip..but idk, i wouldn't recommend it. I would wait to go on a vacation when you both don't have to travel alone to the destination. And going to one person's house save a lot of money cause you don't have to get a hotel room.


                        My SO and I have done this twice...sorta. We didn't meet in a different location, but traveled as part of our vacations together. I just got back from Finland yesterday, but we took a trip to St. Petersburg, Russia while I was there. If you can get the money together, I'd say go for it! Both times, we had a blast, and found that we're very compatible traveling together When he comes here, I plan on taking him out to Las Vegas or NYC for a few days.
                        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein

