I don't really know what to say, and I don't know what I would do you in your situation. Just wanted to tell you how sorry I am to hear that, and I hope you'll be able to move on soon. :hugs:
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It's Over!!! :'(
This breaks my heart. I can't even imagine what your going through. I believe in giving second chances but this isn't just one thing and it's been going on for a while by the sounds of it. You did the right thing by ending it. You deserve better. Best wishes to you.
"I love you and I've loved you all along and I miss you. Been far away for far too long."<3
You did the right thing, the only thing, really. I'm so sorry this happened, what a horrible situation, but just remember that you did everything right and he's the one who was cheating. It's not fair and it's not right, but you'll be OK, it will just take some time to heal. Someone so self-absorbed as to go out on dates with other women when he's supposed to be moving to his girlfriend, and needs such attention from strangers on fb, doesn't have the emotional maturity to be in a real relationship and he'll do it again and again to anyone he's with. Please take care of yourself and remember that none of this was your fault.Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein
i've gone through something like this with my marriage...and i definitely know that nauseating feeling when you see something like that...and i know how hard it is to let that person go...and what some would say "give up"...but when something like that happens...it hurts you so deeply...right to your core...and i will say...that you will never get past it...even after that person is gone from your life...in other relationships you will always be wondering what your SO might be doing when you aren't around...i do absolutely think that what you did by breaking up was the right move...is he sorry for what he did?...he may truly be...and maybe he could change...but could you ever truly trust him again?...i will say this...people can change...i did...i used to flirt with women when i was towards the end of my marriage...because i wasn't getting the attention i really needed...little different situation i know...because your relationship is much newer...but since i met my current SO...i have no desire...at all...to flirt with other women...that's how i know she is the absolute right one for me...so i will say this...take some time apart...totally...if he is still texting you or emailing you...tell him to stop totally for a given amount of time....tell him that if there is any chance at all that you would give him a second chance..you need this time totally away from him...search your heart...search your soul...that answer will come to you when you least expect it and may not even be thinking about it...i wish you the very best...and that you come to this decision...i know how the broken heart feels...but i also know how it feels when someone comes along...picks it...dusts it off...and totally heals it...
Hi sweetie, I just wanted to say how sorry I am, angry for you, and just absolutely heartbroken. You seem like such a beautiful soul; not only did you give him the benefit of the doubt, but you have put so much thought and care into your decision.
You're talking to the most hopeless romantic on the planet, where I hope for every relationship to work out, but this one? I think you are 100% right. I don't know both of you, nor can I judge you, but what I do know is if one of my friends was in that situation, I would tell him/her to get out, and get out fast. I believe cheaters can change, but I agree that he was mostly upset because he'd been caught redhanded. I'm also sure he's torn apart about your relationship--doubly so, because he's the one that caused it--and I can only hope he's sorry for the pain he caused you. If there's ever another chance for your relationship, you both need time apart--you, to heal, him to grow up. Take this time to really focus on your heart (I like how D.4C put it--search your heart, search your soul) and discover if you are okay first before you even consider him. This is one of those times where you have to put the good of yourself before the good of a relationship. If you ever get to this point, before he leaves, ask him why, especially if you don't want to ever consider this relationship again. You need closure more than anyone.
My best advice is drink some wine, eat some chocolate, and do things to make yourself feel even more beautiful, whether that's good conversation, books, anything! Just take care of you.
Sweetie, if you ever need to talk, I'm a message away. Hugs and much love! xxx"I love thee to the depth, and breadth, and height my soul can reach..." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning
It is possible to fix something like that. I've had my own situation that was similar. It's possible to fix it, but you have to want it to work and work at it. You're not going to forget, but you can forgive.
But if you feel that you can't, then do what is best for you. Give it time a lot of time. Listen to your gut and your heart.
I'm so sorry that something like that happened to you. No one deserves that.*hugs*
Originally posted by Skye View PostThank you everyone for your kind words of support. This had not been an easy morning so far and I barely slept last night. But I know I won't feel this way forever.
Barret, thanks for your support. Your SO not having you on her main Facebook page is very strange. Especially the fact that she hasn't told her friends about you...the first thing I did when I got with my SO was tell all my friends because I was so happy. Have you asked her why she hasn't told her friends and why you're not on her main FB? If you haven't confronted her about it, I think you should. I know you trust her, but to me that's a red flag you shouldn't ignore. All the best to you.
yeah, I did ask her why she doesn't add me on her main fb and doesn't tell her friends. She just said "I'm bad at telling people" I suggested to her to do what I did, I made it official on my main fb (I only have one facebook account) and everyone asked me about her, but she got all funny about it. I even had to add two of her Best friends and introduce myself to them. She got mad and said "I don't need tto make it official to everyone to prove my love, i dont need to have you on my fb to prove my love to you, i don't need to prove anything" I said nicely that I can't really ignore this.
So I left it at that for now...if she doesn't want me on her offical facebook then I should just de-activated my account...
It's all really making me very very uncomfortable, for all I know she could be cheating on me on her official account. I thought she would be happy to tell everyone about me..
Originally posted by barret95 View Postyeah, I did ask her why she doesn't add me on her main fb and doesn't tell her friends. She just said "I'm bad at telling people"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.
Carl Jung (1875 - 1961)
Originally posted by barret95 View PostI agree! I just don't know how to talk about it again. cause she got pretty mad and said to me "you're making a little problem a huge problem" well it's really unconformable.
Originally posted by Tooki View PostIt seems like she is embarrassed to have you. Or she is hiding something from you.
I shall speak to her about it tomorrow..and see what she says xD