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closing the distance jitters?

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    closing the distance jitters?

    hey everyone

    Me and my Bf will be closing the distance this week Yay i will move back and we will start university together. however we wont be living together yet. But i feel like a whirlwind has hit me :/ i m starting to doubt my decisions at this last minute. when i know i have taken the right decisions. it hits me like a tidal wave at some points, and i feel like my bf would leave me or wont be there for me, when absolutely reassures me he will never ever leave me. I feel constant panic and i worry how things will go :/

    My relationship with my SO has been completely long distance, we have been together for 1.5 years, but we have met a couple times. i guess i am worried about how i will adjust there without my parents, however i was born where my SO is o it is not a foreign land to me.
    but i have never lived without my parents :/
    so my question is, thse emotions i feel now, how can i control them? people who have closed the distance do you guys have any advice for me?
    this relationship is about to change from LD to CD and i m nervousssssss :/

    I think its totally normal to feel this way, just remember to take calm breaths. Everything will be alright
    Made it official: 12-01-10
    First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
    Closed the distance: 07-31-13


      aw I completely understand the nerves! especially about being away from your parents.
      I have mild anxiety about going away and being away from home for long, so when I'm going over to visit my boyfriend for a few weeks I get really nervous about just being away from home for so long because I'm not used to it!

      I know your situation is different but what helps me calm my nerves is just knowing that I feel safe being with my boyfriend and he makes me feel so happy. He understands my anxiety about being away from home for long periods of time so he comforts me as much as he possibly could and he always does his best to make me feel completely at home.

      So what i'm saying is maybe just be completely open and honest about how your feeling, I'm sure your SO will be there for you all the way.
      Good luck with the move! xo


        I think every other thread under "closing the distance" is about this. Go read through some

