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Do you believe in destiny?

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    Originally posted by Sora1101 View Post
    This is what I believe: The gods tie an invisible red string around the little finger of those that are destined to meet each other in a certain situation or help each other in a certain way. The two people connected by the red thread are destined lovers, regardless of time, place, or circumstances. This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break.

    It means no matter what happens between my SO and I we met and fell in love for a reason, whether he's the one I'm supposed to spend my life with is irrelevant we were meant to meet and so we did. If he is the right one for me then no matter what comes between us we will always find a way to be together.
    I love this way of looking at it! Thats kinda how i look at it, but without the red strings :P

    I believe that each one of us has that ONE someone who your supposed to be with, and will find a way to them no matter what, When you find each other, your souls become one soul - hence the word 'Soulmate'. Together, you hold a stong bond and nothing can ever break you apart. Theres no luck about finding each other because you would find them at one stage anyways, but your lucky to have one another because your then kinda whole I dont think its Destiny, more just that your were always meant to be together

    At least, thats how i look at it
    Last edited by Xanahtas; September 16, 2012, 07:32 AM.


      Sora I love that proverb ...
      And to be honest I feel that about my most recent ex/certain friends as well as my SO . I think you meet everyone for a reason....similarly someone may leave your life- which doesn't make them a bad person - but everyone becomes part of your story.


        Joining the cynical side here....! No I don't. I honestly believe (and not to disrespect anyone's alternative views) that as happy and in love as I am with my boyfriend if it wasn't him it could be somebody else.

        Im not saying that I'm waiting for somebody else I'm just saying I think there are probably hundreds/thousands of people in the world to which I could feel a similar connection. Yes they would all be a little different with different positives and negatives to each person but if you think pf the relatively small number of people that you've met in the world and have had a deep connection with (friends/ex's/current SO) and then times that by the billions of people in the world... Well yeh I dont think he's the only person in the world I was meant to be with. He's just one of the good ones nearest to me. The idea of destiny being that you are only supposed to be with one person and you then just happen to meet that one person which without you'd never be happy just isn't plausible to me.

        But was I lucky to completely randomly without any exterior forces meet him? Yep I was indeed! But it's not destiny in my opinion, as I said if it wasn't him it could have been the guy walking behind him. I made this relationship happen.

        Edit: though thinking about it I do believe in everything happening for a reason (usually when shit things are happening!) so maybe I'm just a massive hypocrite!
        Last edited by redapple; September 16, 2012, 08:08 AM.


          Definitely. We met on Omegle, which is 110% luck


            I 100% believe in destiny. I believe that everything happens for a reason. That reason may not be obvious but it is there. There is so much that lead up to me meeting my SO. I really do believe I will be spending the rest of my life with him.

            "I love you and I've loved you all along and I miss you. Been far away for far too long."<3


              i definitely do..our paths also crossed on a social network..neither of us looking for anyone..and became good friends..this was over 6 years ago..and remained really good friends...through so many things..her divorce..and my dad passing..and me having to have one of my dogs put down..and then my divorce..and a bad relationship she was in..and then a bad relationship i was in..we were there for each other through all these things..and so much more...and each time..we had these feelings started..not really knowing it at t the time..but didn't say anything because at the times we were without a "partner"..the other one was..until after my breakup with a girlfriend after my divorce..we finally told each other exactly what our feelings were..and here we are...over those years..of being such close friends..things never got out of hand..we were just there for each other..completely...i think that's why things are so incredibly great now...she is my best shoulder to lean love..and soon to be the one i am promised to...i've never felt the way i do now in a relationship..never so happy...never so fulfilled..never so loved...and i send my love back tenfold...


                I don't. I stopped believing in "everything happens for a reason" a long while ago.

                As far as meeting my SO is concerned, I doubt destiny or luck has anything to do with it. We were on the same forum for years and we wouldn't have gotten together if I hadn't started actively pursuing him Some would call that stalking, even! He probably just got tired and gave in.
                I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


                  Originally posted by redapple View Post
                  Joining the cynical side here....! No I don't. I honestly believe (and not to disrespect anyone's alternative views) that as happy and in love as I am with my boyfriend if it wasn't him it could be somebody else.
                  I believe this as well.


                    I would like to. I do believe everything happens for a reason, even if it isn't some divine plan or what have you. Things are simply the way they are meant to be.
                    But, I don't believe in fate or destiny. My SO and I are together because of good timing and lots of determination since. Lots. It is simply the way it is. Nothing predetermined about it.


                      I'm not cynical I swear, but no. I don't believe in destiny. For destiny to exist, the future would need to be set in stone, and I know that it isn't. I do think everything happens for a reason - but most of the time those reasons are more based on the choices we make rather than the universe's fickle sense of humour. Do the Gods help out sometimes? Sure why not! Is it possible that one in a bazillion couples are somehow intended for each other because of something they or their child only would be able to achieve? Hmm, maybe? It's sure nice to think about, but really not that realistic.

                      I don't think there's a "the ONE". But I do know that I'm so fixated on Obi that all others seem to be not good enough. I can also see how a man like him could make other women happy, or how I could be happy/compatible with other people. Neither of us are so special that we wouldn't "fit" with anyone else. We're too ordinary!
                      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                        I second Zephii and some others in that I don't thinks there's a "The One". In my opinion, love is a decision as much as it is a passionate feeling. The warm gushy feelings will not always be there. In fact, because I am so passionate about my SO he can inspire the greatest happiness and the deepest rage and the darkest disappointment in me. when we were going through a particularly rough patch, I literally hated him. I don't believe in hate. But I love him more than anything, so I can hate him more than anything, just as easily.
                        Some days, you just have to decide that you love someone even if you don't feel it.
                        I'm not promoting anyone stay in a loveless relationship, just saying that there are times when I don't feel the love for my SO... but I love him anyway.
                        Wow, I sound like a cynic. I'm a dreamer, I promise! I just happen to be a realist at the same time...


                          Some days, you just have to decide that you love someone even if you don't feel it.
                          I'm not promoting anyone stay in a loveless relationship, just saying that there are times when I don't feel the love for my SO... but I love him anyway.
                          Quoted for awesomeness. Love is fluid!
                          Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                            I was about to quit on line dating when my SO sent me the 1st message.
                            He was looking for someone that don't drink and smoke and ended up on my profile.
                            We started to talk and decided to meet after 2 weeks.
                            We decided to date just after the 1st date and this was exactly 1 month before my exchange program end.

                            Yes, I do believe in destiny.


                              I don't.

                              That said, just the other day I told him how I'm not sure we would've got together if we met, say, at a party instead of online. I would've fancied him for sure but I tend to be a complete wallflower and invisible at parties. Our social circles seem so different I'm not sure that, even if we somehow met in person first, we would've had enough interaction to hit it off. That's what technology helped us with.
                              But if it weren't for him, eventually I would've found someone else I was as compatible with. He feels the same. But we've made our decision about each other and feel no need to look further.

                              Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


                                A few people seemed to have mostly described how I feel. One of our first conversations I asked him if he believed in soul mates... He said he didn't and I agreed with him. I don't believe in soul mates. I don't believe he is the only person in the world that could make me happy. But even then, as we were talking as friends I felt this deep sense of belonging when talking to him... which is why I asked him the question...

                                Is he my soul mate or my destiny? No, I don't actually believe in that. Is he extremely special in my life and am I eternally grateful that our paths crossed in the way it did!? Yes!!

                                Though some days, irrationally, I can't help but change my mind and think we are soul mates... there is no amount of peace like what we have when we are together... *happy sigh*
                                First met online: June, 2010
                                First met in person: August, 2011 (See the story of our first visit)
                                Second visit: December, 2011 (Christmas and New Years together!)
                                Third visit together: August, 2012
                                Fourth visit: December 2012 (Christmas and New Years together!)
                                Fifth visit: July 2013 (2 weeks here in Canada)
                                Sixth visit: December 2013 (Christmas and New Years together again and I finally met his mother!)
                                Next visit: Unknown... for now but coming up ASAP

