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depression hitting me hard

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    depression hitting me hard

    It seems that this is getting harder the longer we are apart. I keep thinking back to our last visit in December which was the first visit sence going LD and was only two weeks. It will also be our only visit until I move up there.

    We've been talking and skyping more which helps but he's usually around people so its not privet see we can only talk when he has a WiFi connection for his iPhone he doesnt have a plan on it. So he uses apps to text call and webcam with me.

    When we talk he's either at college or on center using his friend router so we hardly get a privet conversation so they hardly go past " how was your day " type of stuff.

    Now don't get me wrong its better than nothing helps. Just I miss the long conversations we used to have.

    Here lately I just feel like crying and breaking down after we talk. I feel so disconnected from his life. I'm talking with him about this now. He said it will get better that its just hard to talk with people around. ( he doesn't know all my feelings on this just the being disconnected from his life part ) I figure if I tell him I wanna cry after we talk he might want to talk less to spare me that feeling. Or that it might make him sad as well.

    I just miss him so much :'(
    " There is always hope.

    I know exactly how you feel. I just started college about a month ago, and it was pretty rough on me and boyfriend both just because we were so use to talking to each other 24/7. He actually doesn't have a plan for his iphone either. Try to set up times to talk to each other, it should help some.


      Is there no wifi around campus? If there is, I'm sure it's possible to find a private spot somewhere
      I don't know how you do financially but there are flatrates that allow you to call on his phone for free. Voipcheap for example is an UK provider. You pay around 15 dollars in three months and you can call on any US phone for free! It's pretty awesome and that way you wouldn't be stuck to him having wifi befinde you can talk.

      I'm sure you guys will work something out!


        Aside from more ways to communicate, maybe there are things you can do to help make you feel better. Even things you can ask him to do. You can ask him to be more reassuring that things will be fine, that he loves you, it's all worth it, etc etc more sappy stuff that makes you smile. Maybe an e-card or an e-mail when he can access the internet while you're not available. Little things like that.
        Then here's what i said to loveknowsnodistance27 when she was worried about her SO being depressed.

        ETA: LDR's are hard. Depression is a common, albeit not necessarily typical, reaction. Pushing through and persevering isn't easy, but it was so worth it in the end for me. I hope it will be for you, too. Good luck, love.

