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How do you show them you love them?

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    How do you show them you love them?

    So how would you show your lover you care about them after you've screwed up or something?

    (No sending anything via snail mail btw.)

    And just so everyone know, it ish my birthday today! Yay. That didn't really have anything to do with this post but I wanted to say it. lol

    just tell her im sorry for whatever i said or did, and try to make her laugh


      Happy birthday!

      I just apologize and give him the reasons for my actions (if there are any... it's usually something like "I've had a really long day and my nerves are fried and I really didn't mean to take it out on you"). Then after the apology and explanation it's usually time for reminding and reassuring them that you love them and all that mushy stuff. (If it were a CD relationship the saying would be "kiss and make up" but we can't really do that in a LDR but that's just because people in LDR's are awesome and stuff.)

      Good luck.
      First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14


        I'm bad with words when it comes to apologies (I'm very prideful so even admitting I was wrong is a lot of effort) so I usually leave messages here and there that convey what I want to say (like in AIM and MSN messenger statuses) and if the offense is big enough I'll draw him a picture to say I'm sorry and either post it on my DeviantART page so he sees it or I wait until he gets online. But if I don't want to do any of that, I usually use the time he isn't there and I can think straight to type out what I want to say in wordpad and either copy/paste it when he's there or use it as a prompt to go off of that way I know I'm covering all the bases I wanted to cover.

        And happy birthday!


          I used to always make him a nice dinner or desert and a card. Now I just have to sit and think about what I did wrong and then wait until we talk again to apologize. All he cares about is if I apologize and truly mean it after I make a mistake.
          Last edited by Riyko; July 5, 2010, 11:48 PM.

          Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


            I would talk to my SO over headset and I would try to lighten the mood, trying to make her laugh. I would also apologize after that of course.


              Happy belated birthday!

              It depends on what kind of screw up.
              The more harder ones, cheating etc, i can't tell since i've never done that and hope i never will.

              But the smaller ones ejust talk about. I'm fortunate to have a very understanding girl so there's no danger on the roof.


                Happy belated birthday!

                It depends on what kind of screw up.
                The more harder ones, cheating etc, i can't tell since i've never done that and hope i never will.

                But the smaller ones ejust talk about. I'm fortunate to have a very understanding girl so there's no danger on the roof.


                  this is very unhelpful. lol. sorry, don't mean to offend. i have apologized. but he just needs to know i care about him as much as he cares about me


                    If you have a creative side, you could always make him/her something. On one of my larger screw-ups (arguably the largest, but let's not go there), I made a list of some of the reasons I love him and made it all fancy with a nice background/font in Photoshop. Perhaps writing/drawing/painting something? Or gathering a collection of songs that they would like, or ones that tell how you feel?


                      I think the best way to show you care is to completely be on top of things with him and show you are thinking of him... I don't know if you're able to do this, but I always feel cared for when my SO calls when he knows I need to wake up, stays on the phone with me as I fall asleep, remembers little things about me and my life. Send more emails/texts/etc. than you usually do and always be affectionate. Lists of reasons why you care are always sweet.

                      Really, you just need to be patient; the best way to show you are truly sorry is to understand that it takes time to truly forgive and that consistency is absolutely necessary. It isn't something you can fix overnight, but if you are consistent with him and don't let him down again, he'll come to trust again that you care about him as much as he cares about you.

