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First day w/o contact in three years.

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    First day w/o contact in three years.

    Yesterday I worked a 24 hour shift at the hospital (which is a dead zone for phones btw). And for the first time in over three years, I spent a day without contact with my SO. I was honestly way to busy which I think helped a lot. I anticipated it would be incredibly brutal lol.
    Is it weird that we text 24/7, talk every night and Skype a few times a year? I don't see how I would be ok with talking to my SO only a few times a week per se. Also, we never talk on the phone for more than like a half hour. How often do you all communicate? Do you talk for hours when you don't keep in touch too often?

    I wouldn't call that weird at all, you should see me and my SO! We talk on Skype (text) from the moment we wake up until we literally fall asleep talking to each other, and we talk at least 3 hours a night via video on Skype as well. On weekends we can go much farther than that though, I think our record is 11 hours haha I went to Australia last year, and we were unable to talk to each other for pretty much a month (other than a few e-mails), which was horrible in my opinion xD But, thankfully we were both busy with our own stuff, which helped a lot, but I've never been more happy to talk to him than I was after not having to for a month

    Met online: February 2011
    Met the first time: August 16, 2011


      Jeebus, what I would give for that. =P My SO and I text a few times a week. We Skype every now and again and we try to talk on the phone once a week, but it's been 2 weeks since he went back to school and we haven't talked on the phone yet. It's hard because we both have different schedules. We do make time for each other though. I would love to talk more than we do, but it's just not possible given our schedules and such. We've been doing the distance thing for about 19 months total. We spent the past 6 months CD and we are CD when he comes home for the summers. So, out of our 25 months together, we've spent 19 apart. Clearly, we must be doing something right lol.

      "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

      Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


        Honestly, I would hate that much constant contact That's just me though, we're both way too busy for that, and we have a 7 hour time difference. We talk anywhere from 60 - 90 minutes most days, a bit more on weekends, and rarely text. That's what works for us, but every relationship is different, all that matters is that you're both happy with your usual amount of communication, and don't worry too much about occasional changes.
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


          When we were CD we would be on the phone constantly. But now that we're LD, we usually get in about an hour and a half on weekdays, as well as two or three facebook messages throughout the day. We've been apart 5 weeks, and we've skyped 3 times. We sometimes get a little more time on Saturdays, and then on Sundays/Fridays we facebook in the early afternoon and then talk on the phone around 10 or 11 sometimes. That's just what works for us, and we're lucky it works out this way.
          In January when we were still CD, and he went on vacation, sometimes I wouldn't hear from him for a day or so and it drove me crazy. I feel like it would bother me even more now that we're LD.
          started dating: 12/08/12
          "i love you": 04/12/13
          el paso: 07/24/13 - 08/05/13
          montreal: 12/13/13 - 01/03/14
          el paso: 01/05/14 - 01/19/14
          montreal: 05/30/14 - 07/27/14
          el paso: 07/27/14 - 08/18/14
          el paso: 12/27/14 - 01/16/15
          el paso: 06/02/15 - 08/17/15
          san antonio: 02/04/16 - 02/08/16
          san antonio/el paso: 06/03/16 - 06/21/16


            Wow! that's a lot! Like Moon said, that would be too much for me. I have so much other things to do, and it's actually nice to be able to talk about a lot when we haven't had contact in a few days. We skype every evening our schedule allows us to (which means about 4 times a week, sometimes less), but when we talk, we talk for hours in a row We do text, but more like 'I'm on at 8, you as well?'

            quite funny to see how everyone is different in this


              i send her a text every morning when i work...cuz i am 2 hours ahead of her...i am always up first...i like her to have something nice to wake up to...we normally text some if i can while i am at work...till she goes to work...and text back and forth throughout the day...when we have time...and text in the evenings normally...sometimes we talk during the week...maybe a phone call or two...for shorter times because i have just so many minutes...then lately on the weekends...we skype alot...and still text we keep very close in touch every day...i would feel kinda awkward if we didn't....


                Lol nope not weird, Me and my bf text all day long. Sometimes during the week we have phone calls at night, but we always designate Sunday for what we call our "cake sesh." Hahaha, that just means we sit on the phone with each other for several hours which sometimes can easily end up being all day. I also feel the same way, I couldn't be okay with only texting him every so often. We've been texting non-stop the way we do since we first started talking and I wouldn't want it to change for anything! I love that we can go on and on .. and on .. and on!


                  Every couple is different. What you guys do isn't enough for me, but for others who have posted, its too much! :P My SO and I talk on the phone every night, send some texts throughout the day (less now that I'm interning and can't really be on my phone during the day much), and google video chat every 2-3 days. It's not too much for us, I don't think we even really noticed it. Its what works for us and I'm glad. Plus we both talk a ton, so there's always something to say jaja!


                    My SO and me talk everyday, and all day, however it became too much for me recently. I think it has something to do with being an only child, no clue. I had to basically ask him for a day to myself every week. I feel much better with this one day a week thing, I can do whatever I need to do that day, and relax. I love him, but sometimes it can be way way way too much.
                    Makes my heart feel better a tiny bit.

