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Those little moments..

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    Those little moments..

    Does anybody else have those little moments when you sit back and go "Wow, I can't believe i'm in love"?

    I had one of those today. I can’t believe that our two years is coming up FAST!! I’ve never been so in love before, its crazy. He’s the one person I can truly go to with anything and I won’t be nervous or scared. I have a really hard time trusting people (more than most), he’s been the most patient person with earning it. I won’t lie, i’m a hard person to be with because of the shit that’s happened to me, I’ve relapsed a few times since we’ve been together but he hasn’t left yet so I guess that says something. This man is my best friend. He may not be tall, he has a fat belly and he kind of looks like that really short guy from Mulan (haha) but he's perfect becuase he's mine.
    Made it official: 12-01-10
    First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
    Closed the distance: 07-31-13

    When he rests his head on my shoulder at stoplights when I drive him around during my visits.
    When he laughs at my stupid jokes.
    When he calls his parents and wants me to talk to them.
    When he shares his ideas for our future... weddings... children... our home...

    Knowing that I'm his first girlfriend, and his first love.
    And knowing in my heart that I'm not some preliminary girlfriend to "get out of the way" for him.

    ... Ultimately, the lingering feeling that he's the one.


      Those little moments when we look into each others eyes and just stay like that for few minutes.

      when we were just quite but holding each other tight

      when he hugged me and told me he doesnt want it to end, we didnt move for hours because he didnt want to let me go

      when he told me about how his parents met

      when he stroke my skin because he love it, he said I hv really smooth skin

      when I wipe his sweat off from his face with my tissue and he kissed me

      when he calm me down when I'm sad after I get the news that my dad is sick

      I am happy to finally met the perfect guy for me.

      But.. He's so far away from me now
      And I'm scared of what is going to happen next.

