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How to break out of boredom?

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    How to break out of boredom?

    I feel quilty for thinking like this but I think my boyfriend is a bit boring/loser. I don't mean his personality but his lifestyle. Although I admit, I'm not better either.

    Now that school is finished for the summer, all we ever do is sitting in front of the webcam all day trying to figure out what to do. Neither of us have many friends so it's not like we're neglecting our buddies for the sake of our relationship. It's just the fact that we really have nothing else to do. We try to spice up our days by watching movies together and playing online multiplayer games but those get boring on the long run as well.

    He seems more content with this lifestyle than I am, because he can occupy himself on the computer in more ways than I do. He has a bunch of games, he's good at programming and he's chatting with multiple people while I'm mostly only talking to him.

    Do you have any idea how to break out of this boredom? Tips to do together besides movies and games? I know I only feel bored because of the nature of our relationship and have nothing against my boyfriend but these dull days are taking a toll on me.

    Sounds to me like you need more individual activity instead of trying to fit into his laid-back do-nothing life. If he likes how he spends his time, let him have it. It doesn't mean you need to spend your time that way too.


      ^^Echoes LadyMarchHare. Also, calling your boyfriend a bit "boring/loser" doesn't seem nice, even if you admit you are the same way :/ It is probably your situation that is boring, not the person.

      Sometimes spending too much time together can be a bad thing because one of you will start feeling like how you have described. If he is spending time doing other things, so can you! First, I recommend you getting off the computer some since you said that it does not entertain you as much as it does your boyfriend. There are so many more things you can do, like read a book, go running, go to the park, or find a hobby. You could also find a summer job to occupy your time. Gaining more independence will probably make you feel a lot better, and it will also give you more to talk about, making you more interesting.


        You need you time, spending all of your time with him is bad for both of you because you don't get to be alone and do things you love to do or even just get a breather from him.

        Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.

