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I am so confuzzled

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    I am so confuzzled

    I don't know how many of you remember my story or have read my previous posts,

    But in a nutshell, he told me he needed a break to think things through till he comes back in September (well, it's September now and we still haven't talked).

    It seems it isn't over yet, or at least I didn't get any closure from him.

    I tried NC as much as I could but that is impossible since we are working together. I blocked him on Facebook so that he can't peek on what I am doing and thinking and feeling, and I did well for a couple of days, till he contacted me asking me how I was.

    I think I need a closure from him, so I messaged him one morning asking me whether he thought things through as he promised, whether it's definitely over. He called me and told me that he still didn't think about it and still hasn't decided anything, and when I told him that I thought it was over since he didn't call me in a week, he said that he will tell me when he "clears his thoughts". Two days later he tells me he didn't forget and that we will talk tomorrow, but when I asked him to tell me now, he said that some big dogs were to attack him. The next day, he was sick in bed and apologised for not calling. And yesterday evening he called me, but god knows why my stupid phone started switching off on its own, and when we finally got to talk it was like this

    Him: My Viber isn't working here, may we talk tomorrow morning?
    Me: Can't you tell me now?
    Him: The more we postpone it, the better.
    Me: Why? You still don't know what to tell me, or you know what to tell me but won't?
    Him: The first thing.
    Me: How come you still haven't decided?
    Him: Well.. I can't tell you now, I'm with friends.

    Guys I really need your input here, what on earth is going on???

    Is there something going on or is love just blind?

    I can't tell you what is going on, however I can tell you what I would do if I were you (I have read your previous threads, by the way).

    I'd tell him to fuck off. Sorry, that's rude and un-lady-like, but what he is doing is not fair to you. He very much sounds like he is playing with you and stringing you along. He knows that you love him and are willing to put up with this, and he doesn't seem to care. Are you supposed to just wait for him to make a decision about your future, whenever he feels like it? It's very disrespectful that he keeps postponing the talk like that and then tell you he still doesn't know what to tell you. Doesn't sound like he cares about you enough to make setting things straight with you a priority.

    I'd just end this once and for all. Call him (and don't take any of his excuses not to talk right now) and tell him it's over and not to contact you again. That's all the closure that you need.

    Or well, that's just my humble opinion.
    I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


      Well I havent followed your post, so I only know what to go on from here.

      Either he talks this out or things wont get fixed and you need to tell him that.

      Avoiding it wont fix things and the " The more we postpone it, the better. " statement. Seriously how will postponing it help?

      The only time something is postponed is if its bad.

      You need to tell him to talk to you about how he feels. It wont fix anything if he doesnt.
      " There is always hope.

