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I currently have a LDR with most of my family, most of them are in England, a few in Spain, a few in New Zealand and friends in USA and Canada So I'm pretty used to the whole long distance thing
No time zone or distance or anything can keep us apart
Ehh... a lot haha. I only really have a couple close-distance relationships right now!!
So... my mum and my younger sister are in Kingston, Ontario, my older sister is in Waterloo, Ontario, my best friend is various places in Canada on med school rotations, most of my friends from uni are scattered across Canada, my high school friends too. The friends I made when I lived in Cork are either in Ireland, Canada, the USA, or Australia. The friends I made in Edinburgh are in Edinburgh, haha.
Really I'm only near to a few friends and my SO who's on the couch next to me!
Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free █♥█ Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
Closed the distance June 18, 2012!
Well, nothing within Holland can be called long distance really, but my mom lives little over 2 hours away, and my dad 3 hours away. My best friend lives an hour away, and that's about it I do have some 'friends' in other country's though (Italy, Sweden). But yeah, not really close friends.
Pretty much all my relationships are long distance at some point in the year. I'm at uni five hours away from home, so during term, all those are long distance relationships (and my friends are also at different universities, so it varies when people are home or away.) when I'm at home, most of my uni friends live at least 2 hours away. I have friends in Canada from spending a lot of my summers over my teens there at camp, and I have friends in Australia from when I was out there working. All of my family live in other parts of the country, at least four hours away, my brother is at university 3 hours from home in the opposite direction to me so we're 8 hours apart...
So yeah, pretty much every relationship I have is long distance depending on the time of year. Haha.
My best friend in the whole world, so close to be that we may as well be sisters, moved from Toronto to Calgary (Just throwing out a guess, but maybe 1500 miles away?) about a year and a half ago. We're still best friends, but it's even harder than my LDR with my boyfriend I can't send her kisses and other signs of affection like that :P And sometimes I have to make the choice between visiting her, or visiting my boyfriend. It SUCKS D: But I guess in a weird way it's made us even closer friends, even if we don't talk nearly as much as we used to. The worst part is, I don't have the hope of moving to the same city as her in the near future, not if I want to be with my boyfriend. So we just have to hope for now.
Also, a good proportion of my other friends live around the world (though I met them there). I'm a world traveller though, so that can't be avoided :P At least I have a place to stay like everywhere, should I have the urge to visit.
"In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
-Miguel De Cervantes