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Senior In High School, freshman In College

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    Senior In High School, freshman In College

    It's sept. 19th and it's been 3 months since me and my boyfriend had to go our separate ways. I know 3 months seems like nothing, but it's been hard. He stayed in New Jersey while I had to move down to Florida due to job opportunities (.. For my dad.. As a minor I had no choice). We'll have to wait at least 3 years until we can close the distance.
    Our anniversary was this month and we tried to make the best of it... After all, nothing says love like a video-chat frap date at Starbucks!
    Ive been busy prepping for college applications, and he's been busy with college work, but somehow we're making it through. No one seems to agree with what we're doing. Everyone around us seems to worship the concept of being single, but I'd much rather be happy with him.

    I am also in a New Jersey-Florida LDR. My SO lives in NJ and I'm in FL for college. He's a freshman in college and I'm a junior in college, although we're the same age.

    I'm the only one of my friends who is in a relationship so I understand you!

    Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
    Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
    Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
    Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
    Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014


      Hey! Welcome to LFAD and FL!
      I am very sorry to hear that you have had to leave your SO and it will be 3 years at least until it is over. The good news is, you have a light at the end of the tunnel and I am here as testament that you can survive 3 years apart. I just closed the distance after 3 years of LD and it was more than worth it.
      You will get some, if not a lot, a rude/misunderstanding comments about being LDR, as well as being the only taken person in a group of singles. So prepare. As long as you love your SO, what does it matter what anyone else thinks (except your parents, since you're a minor)?
      Sometimes I feel like LD should have "It gets better" videos like LGBT groups do... have faith and strength! This site was such a huge help for me and I hope it will be for you, too.


        Thank you, it's so comforting to know that you're not alone in something difficult I hope we all get our happy ending one day.. Awesome signature by the way!


          Thanks! I love hearing about how couples finally close the distance.. It gives me hope.
          Thank you for the advice, I will be sure to take it.
          I hope you two live a very happy life together

