I just read through the whole thread, and I really have to say that I feel soooo sorry for you. It actually made me tear up. I am really ashamed for my gender. I can't believe what this pathetic asshole goes through just to get laid. Move on! Distract yourself, go out and meet friends. It will be a hard time, but we are here for you. So, whatever you need just let us know.
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All Because of One Text Message
Thank you all. It's a slow struggle, cause he was the person I went to when anything was wrong. And now he is the problem, so I'm feeling pretty lonely. And pretty used.It's so hard to believe that he would say all of those things to me for so long just for a booty call. I don't understand. They were plenty of good looking girls where he lived, why me? I gave up everything to go see him.The whoel situation is just ridiculous. Currently, I am getting support through his family that I met, and obviously through you all. Thank you guys
I feel so bad for you<3333 To have someone completely change like that, it must be terrible and confusing, and geez, with him being your person for all your problems... :/ That's why I have my mindtwin, so I have someone to go to whenever my SO is being a butthead.
However, and I know this is going to make me sound like a butthead, and you probably already thought it yourself, maybe don't text this Dexter person? I mean it. That's just weird, how he suddenly had your phone number? He was Rob's friend, how is it that he felt bad enough about what happened to somehow get your phone number and text you about it to fill you in on everything Rob's saying about you, yet he didn't know his friend well enough to know what he was up to and/or didn't feel bad enough about it before the fact to magically get your number and warn you? It just seems fishy to me.
Oh, wow .... I'm so sorry. Everyone has said everything that can be said... all you really need is time to accept what has happened.
Needless to say, this guy is an ass. I hope you don't lose hope for what can happen in the future. There are so many fucktards in the world. You seem so nice -- you didn't deserve this.
Hugs.Let me know if you wanna rant.
"If you get hungry enough, they say, you start eating your own heart"
Baaaah what an asshole! I'm so sorry this happened to you, you deserve so much better.
I have to agree though - this Dexter person sounds odd. Well, it seems odd that he would make the effort to get your number and check you're okay when really he only knows what this dick has told him about you. It might seem nice to have someone else on your side, but be careful. *Hugs*!