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Greyhound bus rides

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    Greyhound bus rides

    I have i think a long one ahead of me in a month or so to go see my SO in Louisiana gonna be a 1 day 12 hour trip its telling me. Was just wondering if any of you have used this before or what not.

    What part of Louisiana, if you don't mind my asking?

    I've done bus rides before across states, but not Greyhound. Me I'm not comfortable around strangers that long but I can't imagine it's that horrible. You're just sitting a long time so make good use of any stops/bus changes to stretch EVERYTHING. Naturally bring lots of entertainment and charge your mp3 player/handheld game system/phone the entire night beforehand. Small snacks like hard candy are good too to curb hunger and I remember coming across some type of hard candy that's supposed to keep you hydrated. I don't remember the name since I used them only during marching band in middle school but they're great if you don't/can't bring a water bottle or are afraid you might run out between stops.


      umm Baton Rouge cause she is going to college at LSU in august she moves in. i want to drive but i guess i wanna get a feel for it before i commit myself to a 19 hour drive, ya its gonna be boring i know but im happy with the price and ill make it a long visit with her, and thanks for the tips! i always bring my sketech book and a camera with me and i hear they have wi fi on there buses now too


        It took 15 hours taking a greyhound bus from Maine to upstate NY. 5 of those hours were layovers. And I did it 4 or 5 times to visit Frank while he was going to school there. It sucked big time. I brought stuff to read and a sometimes even brought my school books so I could study.

        I also used to take greyhound from Maine to Massachusetts but this past year discovered Concord Coach which has comparable prices. But what makes it better is less creeps, cleaner buses, they play movies on the bus which really makes the hours fly by, and they give you bottled water and pretzels.

        I have a car and can drive, I just rather take a bus for these long drives.
        Read my LDR story!


          ya the longest i have ever been in a car non stop is like 4 hours haha. we wanna drive to see each other 19 hours but i think i wanna just test the waters on a bus ride 1 day 12hs. that is much longer i know its prolly gonna suck, like what do you do in a layoff they drop you off at a bus stop and you just get on a new bus? and i know these things can be latee too >.< im excited to try it out in a few weeks i think they have like outlets and wifi on some greyhound buses i was reading ill bring a lil dvd player and be set


            My SO is from Baton Rouge as well!

            But we thought about using the greyhound at one point, but it just wasn't realistic in our situation. Our visits are not that long, so riding a bus for one day would take up too much precious time. My SO has drove twelve hours to see me before, but I am thinking that you might want to spend the night somewhere if it will take nineteen hours! Driving that long can be really dangerous. My SO started dozing one time when driving here, so now we just buy plane tickets because it costs the same as paying for gas for the car anyway


              ya we have talked about meeting somewhere like half way and just having an adventure hahaha im sure we will do that at one time, i just happen to have 2 weeks off from school around the time of your two year, thats why im going too her, and she will be all settled into school and stuff, ya i think i will most def sleep somewhere if i ever drive the whole way


                I've taken bus rides across the state (from Central NY to Western NY; not Greyhound, however...usually I use Coach USA...pretty cheap, considering the trip) before...the only thing I guess I really didn't enjoy about the whole thing was the fact that they seem to go around in circles before finally getting there.
                I definitely agree with everything that's been said here...bring some form of entertainment. While some buses do have little TV's that you can concievably watch movies on, most times (at least the two times I've made the trip) they don't use them.
                Above all, enjoy the ride! Even though it seems they go around in circles, you get to see places that you might not get to see had you taken some other vehicle. Just remember the ultimate goal to this trip: getting to see your SO, which is the greatest thing of all.
                National Novel Writing Month Participant- 2010, 2011, 2012
                National Novel Writing Month Winner- 2010, 2011, 2012

                Current Writing Project: Wait Until Next Year


                  Hey Ive done it not so bad long but you just sleep and stay busy. Ive done it and so has my bf from way south Texas to way upper Canada. LONG 1 day and 23 hour trip!! WE fly when we can when were broke we bus, we deal its not tooo bad, just need to sleep and shower and rest up when there its all worth it saves a lot! 200 bucks or 800 thats how we see it! We use the extra money for dates and shopping and fun. we go with the 200 bus rides a lot, ive prob bus more than fly so very use to it here, I use to bus way back before passports were needed for it, but we finally had to get one! Good luck on your trip I have a long bus ride in sept but it only cost 185 bucks! If im going to bus though my trips are always at least a month or more, if im doing some tiny week trip we fly. We think of it as blessed that we can even bus being from two different countries, cause flying as some of you guys do to Ireland and NZ, and all these other countries would be near impossible for our wallet!

                  Dont worry you wont starve or anything there are so many stops your actually like gosh KEEP going dont stop! hah they stop a lot for transfers or pick up people or drop off, food, and breaks, lot of mcdonalds though.. so I went light with salads bus rides make me car sick. Watch your luggage as you transfer buses, Mine was in Indiana once haha and had to have it mailed to us in Canada once I arrived.
                  Last edited by USA2Canada; July 9, 2010, 02:00 PM.


                    My boyfriend took a greyhound to come see me in June, and I'm taking one to see him at the end of the month. He had NO complaints and I'm not thinking that I will either. He said it was more comfy than expected and not bad at all. My aunt also took greyhound buses a LOT (she estimates over 100 times) and has never, ever had any issues. I'm sure you will be just fine. good luck!


                      awesome ya im sure i will love it i have always loved looking out the window and just looking around thanks guys for all the feed back


                        I know this is an old thread and probably won't get replied to, but I took a 3 day greyhound each way to see my SO. It was right before Christmas and the ride there was packed and I didn't sleep a wink I was soo excited, the way back was worse though because all I could do was sleep, I was so depressed at leaving him.


                          I just looked up Greyhound tickets, they're expensive!!! I can get a plane ticket from Chicago to Baltimore for about 50$ more than a bus ticket. Then again, I was looking up prices for going home for Christmas and I bet they up the prices during the holiday season.
                          [CENTER]"True love doesn't mean being inseparable; it means being separated and nothing changes."


                            I ride the Greyhound all the time :P It's not that expensive, it's less then half the price of a plane ticket for me... It's not that bad I just lay down and sleep the whole way. It's a 7-9 hour trip both ways for me, but it goes by really fast.


                              I used Greyhound once to go to SC to live with my aunt for the summer. I was 16 years old (i'm 17 now) going to another state, on a bus, going through NYC.. ALONE! I had so many stops (most only last 10 mins or so).. I had a layover in NYC.. My next bus would come in 3 hours. I had to wait for a bus in NYC at the age of 16 with people i've never met in my life! Thank God there was a lady, a 19 year old girl who sat with me, it was their first time first time having to go through there too. There was also a guy who got out of prison the same day i met him..he was locked up for 11 years.. we called him "Trouble" he was pretty cool.. he kept people away from us.

                              You meet the oddest people on greyhound lol..

                              Oh! this one lady was going across states with a 2 year old and all she brought for him was a sippy cup that was almost empty and some cheeze doodle chips.. I felt bad for the baby, so i gave her a can of raviolli in a can to feed him (It was the pop the top kind) and i gave her a fork.. and the next thing i know is she left the baby with me, a complete stranger, to go find a microwave (we were at a layover in NC)..I waited and waited for her to come back and then my bus was called to load.. and she still hadnt come back.. i didnt know what to do! I cant just leave him and i certainly cant take him because she wasnt getting on the bus i was getting on.. and then at the last moment she comes back and i load the bus.

                              Like i said.. odd people!

