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Just started a new Long Distance Relationship.

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    Just started a new Long Distance Relationship.


    Well Basically Im new to this forum and Im also new to the whole idea of a LDR.

    I am 21 years of age and currently at university in London. My other half is 30 years of age, currently travelling around Latin America, but he's from Australia Sydney. We basically love each other so much. Which is why we decided to give this a go. He wasn't very keen at first to start a LDR because he didn't believed in them, but again he couldn't let me go. We met in Mexico this summer. As I'm from there and was there this summer on holiday, we spend like a month and a half together till I had to come back to London. I had an amazing time with him and so did he.

    I have bought my ticket for this December to go and visit him in Argentina, where I be spending a month with him travelling around.

    We plan to see each other every Christmas and summer till I finish my degree which will be in two years time. Currently doing my second year. If it all works out then I be moving to Australia to live with him.

    Sometimes I don't speak to him for a couple o days due to him being in the middle of the jungle. But when we do speak we make the most out of it, by facebooking each other, sharing pictures and talking on skype and he even sends me postcards of where he has been, last postcard I got was from Cuba, he also sent me a couple of gifts from Cuba and Mexico.

    I am so happy with him and although sometimes it is hard because I miss him so much. We have a philosophy that we shouldn't miss each other because he is here with me in London in spirit and I am there in Latin America in spirit. We have small things that we keep as a sign that we are there for each other. For example I have a piece of clothing of him that smells of him in order to remind me of him every now and then and so does he. We also have the same bracelet which we never take off as for us it means something special that we have.

    He is also very happy and we are always writing each other long messages telling each other what we been up to in the day. Also another thing we have is that we should be each others inspiration to do the best we can. For example I run everyday now and read everyday now which I never did before and he does the same. Also our main rules is that we should always be honest with each other and trust each other, which we do hence why I cant really complain lol.

    Well I just want to hear people's opinion on this, do you guys think this can work out?

    Well I hope it wasn't a long thread and I hope to hear from many of you and to hear people's experiences with long distance relationships.

    Peace xxx

    it can definitely work....and is very worth girlfriend and i are almost 2000 miles apart...and when i finally got to meet her this past week...i realized how much it truly is worth it...was the most amazing week i have had in so long...and it makes the wait so very much worth knows no age or distance...we can't help who we fall in love with...i've known my girlfriend for over 6 years...and she was just best friend...because i was married at that time...and she was there for me through so many things when my now exwife wasn't....when my dad was down at a hospital in milwaukee going through the tests and that for liver and kidney transplant...and i had to travel every weekend for 2 hours to spend time with him...and i broke down a few times...having to watch him deteriorate...and she was the one that was there for me....and during that time when i had to have my black lab put down after 15 was her that comforted me...and then a week later when my dad passed...once again it was her that comforted me...then through my marriage failing and all the feelings i had trapped inside of me...she was the one that insured me that everything would be ok...and i would get through it...and a rebound relationship that i went through after i was divorced...that ended so badly...that i never thought i could put myself out there to anyone ever again...she was the one that picked up my heart...dusted it off...and healed it...and when i finally told her of all my feelings for her...and she returned with the very same was like my life had started anew....all from almost 2000 miles can work...and is worth everything...sorry i got kinda wordy


      I wish you all the luck!
      It is definitely worth it
      First met by chance in London 2nd June 2012
      Started LDR 24th July 2012
      James' 1st trip to visit Klaire September 29th-October 31st 2012
      James' 2nd trip to visit Klaire November 17th-November 19th 2012
      Klaires' first trip to visit James November 19th 2012-January 13th 2013


        yeah..... definitely good vibes coming from this thread

        keep your trust, hope, faith and humour and you both do fine.....

        best of luck..... and nice to meet you
        The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.

        Carl Jung (1875 - 1961)


          Welcome to LFAD Tigrita!
          It's definitely worth it when you both are happy and when you know it's the right person.

          Best of luck!


            Don't worry about long threads! XD We all do them Welcome to LFAD!!!


              Welcome to LFAD!

              Don't worry, it might feel strange at first, not having physical contact for a very long while, but I guarantee you that it'll be worth it once you guys meet up with each other. All you need is trust and understanding - with those, the relationship will survive. =)

              Good luck!


                Welcome! Yes, go for it! It can be very trying but well worth it in the end!
                February 2012 -- met online
                August 2012 -- he said "I love you."
                April 2013 -- met in person
                June 2013 -- broke up
                July 2013 -- back together
                August 2013 -- 2nd visit
                October 20, 2013 -- He proposed!
                April 22, 2014 -- Married/closed the distance!

