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What do you wish you've said to your boy/girlfriend BEFORE you leave for an LDR?

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    What do you wish you've said to your boy/girlfriend BEFORE you leave for an LDR?

    If only you could turn back the time to the moment before you leave for an LDR, what would you like to say to your boyfriend or girlfriend?

    Don't go :o(

    I had the offer of him staying put for me, I was all heroic and brave about it and told him to do the best for us both and go...utter rubbish...I should have hung off his leg at the airport!!!


      Ummm that's a good one.
      I really wish I have the option you did... but no. I don't


        What would you have said?


          I should've said that if either of us at one point decides we can't do this to tell the other honestly and put their pride or what's best professionally aside and then I would've come back. I think I made it seem like a decision that can't be reversed, that once it's done, it's done, when I should have treated my study abroad year and the LDR more like "we'll try it, but if it gets too hard, I'll come back." I guess my husband might have felt he didn't have the right to ask me to come back and that he had to be strong and he therefore now holds a grudge against me for "leaving him."


            I should have told him that I love him. I've still not said it out right...Difficult for me to say first anymore.


              When I was at the airport with my SO... I wish I would have said "I love you". I already felt it, but I didn't say it. Probably because we weren't that far in our relationship at that point. I still love how everything turned out though.


                I cried like a baby at the bus station..prob could of swallowed that a little bit. But at least he saw my true feelings I love how it turned out..


                  Originally posted by Gurl View Post
                  I should have told him that I love him. I've still not said it out right...Difficult for me to say first anymore.
                  Awwww I can't believe you still haven't told him that! Even though I'm sure he's got an idea from all the lovey dovey stuff you've made for him lol. But still, what if something happens to him or to you and you never get a second chance to say how you really feel?


                    Originally posted by Tanja View Post
                    Awwww I can't believe you still haven't told him that! Even though I'm sure he's got an idea from all the lovey dovey stuff you've made for him lol. But still, what if something happens to him or to you and you never get a second chance to say how you really feel?
                    ZOMG so not what I wanted to read I totally think about that, but I hate the idea of saying it via phone or IM or email....First time should be super special... shoulda done it when I called him for his bday


                      I do tell my boyfriend I love him bucket loads, but because we are literally on opposite sides of the planet (and we're in risky jobs), I sometimes get really irrational thoughts that if something awful happened he wouldn't know some things I should have said.

                      I probably don't tell him how proud of him I am, or how much I respect and admire him, quite enough...don't want to get too caught up with just the I love and miss you's (too easy). I've really made an effort lately to put this right, sometimes it feels really cheesy but I'd rather that than never have that chance again.

                      Woah I can be morbid!!!!

