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What is going on with me?

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    What is going on with me?

    Lately, Ive been feeling like I lost the love I had for my boyfriend of 2 years...I dont know how to explain it...when he isnt physically with me I feel really irritated towards him and that our relationship is getting boring and we lost our spark.

    My boyfriend told me that he is worried that I wil break up with him (he said that this evening).

    I admit, sometimes I think "what would it be like to be single again."

    I just wish john and I never went into this long distance relationship :-/

    I know for a fact that women need physical contact to produce the hormone oxytocin that creates the feeling of being in love. When a couple is away from each other for a long period of time, it's usually the girl that has doubts first, and breaks up first. Guys don't deal with this problem. They can look at a picture of their girlfriend and create this hormone.

    Why you feel like this isn't weird. But realize that things have to change. Either visit each other more often, or make plans to live together, because if you aren't with him, your love for him will fade slowly.


      hmmm, I don't believe that women fall out of love because of lack of physical touch, but then again I'm no scientist and all I have to go on are my own feelings. ^^;; but, honestly, you should probably try more visits or try to do more together. it might help you.


        I agree with folclor. I can look at the crappy skype photos of my SO and smile and feel that "in love" feeling. But everyone's different, everyone handles distance differently.

        Are there certain things he does/says that irritate you or is it a general feeling when you two are talking no matter what? Maybe you could take a break and gather yourself and see if you miss the time you two have together in the LDR. Or as mentioned before, maybe see if you guys could meet up soon or more often, that way you get to be in the same room with him for a little while and it may charge the relationship's batteries up again.


          Well, we cant do more visits...we do the maximum he can (he works 2 jobs).

          Another thing that gets to me is that John doesnt wanna talk about our he cant make concrete plans. I graudate from college in 12/2012 and I told him that I want to end the distance then and he gets irritated acting.

          I feel like John doesnt give me enough attention, but he says he is giving all he can give. Sometimes our convos are really boring and Idk I just feel like we are losing our spark.


            Maybe it is just a phase. For instance, Frank and I were just saying tonight how we hardly do anything together online anymore because Frank is so busy with work and so tired when he gets back home around 8-9pm. So we're going through a really boring phase. We still talk a lot on the phone though and always have stuff to talk about and have great conversations.

            Maybe you just need to get back to the basics. Work on having good/meaningful conversations. Find conversation starters and questions online. You'll be surprised how much they will help, even if it sounds like a dumb idea now. Once you get back the great conversations you used to have, you'll both be happier and the other sweet relationship stuff will follow.

            Put off talking about the future for now. If he's as unhappy as you are right now, he won't be in the mood to talk about it anyway and will only be negative if you force him to talk about it.
            Read my LDR story!


              i felt like this after 9 months of being apart and having no idea when i would see him again. finally i told him there was a cheap flight in 5 days and i could be on it. we decided that i should come. i just got back from 3 weeks together and it was amazing. i think im going to go thru periods like what you described again, but luckily he's strong enough to deal with the distance and it always gets better, even if it takes a week or two.
              i think when you see him again your feelings of doubt will completely change. you just have to stick with it until you get there, if you're willing to wait and go thru that.
              good luck and i hope it works out for you


                I want to feel lovey dovey again...i hate this distance! Its so hard to share my life with him through phone calls and texts. I always feel like Im annoying him.


                  I'm gonna go differently from what others are saying. Maybe its time to end the relationship. I've come across many of your posts, and I've seen you two have been having many problems. You two don't seem to be on the same page in your relationship, you both seem to want different things in it, and both of you just seem miserable. You two might love each other, but love alone isn't really enough to maintain a relationship. Not everyone can handle long distances for such long periods of time, and that's nothing to be ashamed of. Its just like not everyone can handle the same amount of physical pain. If you do end it, it shouldn't mean that you two can't be friends or be in each other's lives. It's up to you, this is just my opinion.


                    I love scared to even think of my life without him in it...

