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Finding friends amidst ldr?

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    Finding friends amidst ldr?

    Me and my boyfriend talk almost every single day. The thing is, when he goes to bed or when he goes out for an errand, I have nothing else to do with myself. I live in a small town and there's not much to do except shop at the mall or hang out at the park. I'm in the middle of looking for a job atm, so I'm pretty much a sitting duck for boredom.

    However, I'm starting to think that I should try to get myself a few people to hang out with. I'm scared that I'm monopolizing on my boyfriend's time (he hangs on the computer a lot as well, but I give him his time to do what he wants off of it) because he hasn't contacted his old friends for years. I stay at home, in the bed, where I don't know practically anyone. Another thing is that I'm extremely picky. I've had some horrible friendships and I've kept to myself from those experiences in the past. Also, I'm scared of how they would react when I tell them that I have a boyfriend overseas who I don't see all too much (and we all know how most people would react to that). My boyfriend so far has been the ONLY person to understand the person that I am and still accept me unconditionally, so I've considered him my best friend as well. Plus, being a loner does not help matters much...

    So, think that I should at least try and make some friends to hang with?

    No harm in meeting people and if it doesn't work out not hang out with them again. When I moved to be with my SO I didn't know anyone. I met lots of nice people but some just didn't click like others so you didn't hang out again and thats that. Also I've never had a hard time with people thinking badly of my relationship, wen you tell them be confident about it. Don't go 'well uh, my boyyfriend lives overseas and I know some people think its odd...' don't even put the idea in their head that it is weird.


      What snow girl said! Be positive! If you act like there's something wrong with being in an LDR everyone else will too. So be strong and proud and don't give them an opening. Or don't tell them he's in a different country right away. Pick other qualities to talk about. Most people tend to ask things like "what does he do for work?" "How old is he?" etc before "where is he?"

      But I do think it's good to try and make friends. Social interaction improves our sense of wellbeing and our overall health Other people are good for you, even if they piss you off. Besides, they add another thing to talk to your SO about later. The more interesting your life is, the more you have to share.

      With that said, I'm a bit of a loner too. Most of my mates are online, or even if I have met them in person, I actually see them in person only every few years because they live far away - with the exception of my sister and my best mate (who happens to be a guy - thank God Obi trusts me). And that's enough for me.
      Forums are a great place to start. And when you get a job you'll likely meet some people there too.
      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


        Thanks snow girl and zephii! Your insight helped a lot on my decision. And you are riht that they can give you a lot of things to talk about with my boyfriend, that's true enough. XD

