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What's the point in being in an LDR?

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    What's the point in being in an LDR?

    So yeah, less than a week before he's here.. I'm über excited and happy, I can't wait to see him

    I might not be around much for the next month or so but you can all trust me to come here and dwell once he's gone

    To the point:
    A friend of mine asked me the other day what's the point in being in an LDR? We had talked about Andy moving here and that it might take a couple of years for numerous reasons and the first thing she said was "gee, you guys are gonna break up before that happens". Didn't feel very nice but what does she know, right?

    I know I've found the person I wanna spend the rest of my life with it and I know how rare true love is. Let's face it, couples in LDRs don't go through all this shit if they didn't genuinely love each other. That's something most people don't fully realise I think.

    I don't know if I'm asking you guys a question or just blabbering but IMO the point is that you will fight for the one you love, for your future together and the distance is not an obstacle!

    I know I've found the person I wanna spend the rest of my life with it and I know how rare true love is. Let's face it, couples in LDRs don't go through all this shit if they didn't genuinely love each other. That's something most people don't fully realise I think.
    amen to that!!!

    to answer your question, Like you said i know i found the one person i am meant to be with the rest of my life. Sure she is like 3,000 miles away in another country but i know she's my soulmate and i know i love her with all my heart to fight for however long it takes until were under one roof together. Your friend is dead wrong because there are millions of couples that were in LDR for 5 years or more and in the end they got married and stayed that way! Like you said true love is hard to find and only comes once in your life, and most peoples soulmates are not always in the same town or country as you are. But however long it takes i love her so much i am willing to fight any wall, obstacle, person, ect to be with her, and when we are finally under one roof i'll be a very happy camper and we can tell our future kids about our story and maybe inspire them to never give up on anything no matter how hard it is


      I think to ask that is to ask what's the point of being in a relationship at all?

      The difference here being you either had them and now have to wait to keep them, or you have to wait to have them at all. You're not only putting your heart on the line with another person and trusting them with it, you're putting it on a chopping block however many dozen, hundred, or thousand miles wide with a blade swinging down like a pendulum, trusting your SO isn't going to let the blade drop and skin off even one centimeter of it. The point being you're willing to go extra steps and longer moments alone just for that one person. You aren't fumbling around physically, you aren't having some Spring Fling that, come the school year, ends and life goes on. You're sitting however many miles apart physically and not even ten inches apart emotionally, falling in love and planning when you'll see each other so you can savor even the smallest things like going to dinner or just waking up. A good quote for it would be, "absence makes the heart grow fonder." And considering how much absence we all have, our hearts are as fond as humanly possible and beyond for these people as theirs are for us. Not everyone can last through an LDR, but when someone does it shows just how strong love is in the end.


        Originally posted by Caitlin2009 View Post
        and when we are finally under one roof i'll be a very happy camper and we can tell our future kids about our story and maybe inspire them to never give up on anything no matter how hard it is
        Amen to that too!


          Fortunately, no one has the balls to ask me that :P. If they did, I think my response would likely be something like "You'd wait for someone that good in bed too D:<" I wouldn't be lying exactly :'D. I'm not an expressive person, I expect people to see it as obvious that I love him XP.


            Point of LDR?
            Love, true love, genuine love. Everything more, nothing less of it.
            Why else would you consider taking such a VERY HARD path if you did not have such a strong love toward your SO?
            my reason is,
            If i had a chance to be with the person i truly love and care and would want to spend the rest of your life with, wouldn't i seize that chance?
            its worth a shot

