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    So, I'm the type of person who gets nervous to the point that I'm about to throw up. It doesn't happen a lot, last time it did was probably the first day of school at an entirely new place.

    But, I've started getting anxious/nervous about my SO's visit. It's not that I don't WANT him to come, but I get so nervous every day even thinking about it and I end making myself sick to my stomach. I'm not sure why this happens but I guess there isn't much to stop it.

    I mean, is it normal, to feel this way about seeing him for the first time? Am I just overreacting or what.

    I start to think about the fact that hell be staying at my house and then I think what if I need some space or alone time (I'm sort of an introvert), and I can't get it because he'll be with me 24/7?

    Ah just everything freaks me out I don't know I'm an annoying teenage girl

    You are not alone in this. I am going to see my SO next week and I am a bit anxious. For me it is more about hoping that we are still as good together as we were last time. I worry that it will be awkward or uncomfortable to be together again. Then I tell myself......I am nuts, this is HIM I am talking about. My best friend and lover. I think we will be fine to just do nothing together and chill or paint the town red. I remember how sweet and sensitive he is to my feelings and I know that I need not be anxious about it.

    Is he staying for a long time or short period? If it is less than I few weeks, I bet it will fly by and you won't have a chance to want your time. If it is longer then be honest and talk to him about it. I love to take long walks or bike rides by myself when I am in Holland. He enjoys the fact that I don't need to be joined at hit and let him have his time too.
    "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
    Benjamin Franklin


      He is staying for a week, the first few nights at a friends house (the person who introduced us) and the next four nights at my house. My mom offered to let him stay longer but to be honest I wasn't that comfortable with the idea because even though I KNOW him, it's just be weird for me if that makes sense..


        A week sounds good for a first meeting. I think that you will be fine as soon as you see him. It will fly by if you love him. It is new and different so of course it makes sense. This is my first LDR and I am still adjusting to it as well. I felt "weird" around him too when we first met in person. This was a person that knew everything about me and vice versa but I had never seen before, I don't know how it could not be kinda odd at first. As long as you continue to communicate to each other about it, it will be fine. Next time he comes you will praying for a month.
        Last edited by Hollandia; October 25, 2012, 12:03 PM.
        "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
        Benjamin Franklin


          When I met my boyfriend I was worried that five days with him would be too long. What if I wanted to be alone? I was going to be in another state and I was staying in his apartment.

          When I saw him and as soon as we started talking it made me sad that I was only staying five days. I wanted more days!!

          So, really... Don't worry about it. It happens to all of us I think, that we are really nervous to see our SOs but trust me, when he's there you won't want to leave his side.
          In my case mainly because I wasn't sure when was the next time I was going to see him-this Saturday btw!-.

          So enjoy your time with him!!

