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The story ended

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    The story ended

    Today im strong enough to write this.
    We have splitted up.
    The tears have been falling for a couple of days and i feel empty inside.
    He couldnt cope with the distance anymore.
    My best friend left me and i feel so lonely.

    I wanna thank Frank and Michelle for all good ideas and funny things to do.
    It have helped us to cope for 2 years.
    I still love him so much and i cant really understand how to go on without him.
    But i must.

    I so wish for everybody out there a happy ending,
    were u will be togheter with the one u love.

    For us the story ended in tears and heartache.

    Many hugs


    Sorry to hear it, Linda. Thinking of you, and much love
    London girl, American cowboy. "Like a western Dirty Dancing."


      so sorry to hear this Linda....

      I wished there was something we can do to ease your pain....

      The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.

      Carl Jung (1875 - 1961)


        So sorry to hear this Stay strong <3


          Oh no. I'm sorry to hear this Linda.


            I'm sorry to hear this, I wish you the best.


              these are the kind of stories i hate to see here on lfad...i'm so sorry to hear this linda...i know i would be a wreck best wishes and strength to you...


                Stay strong, girl


                  ohhh I'm so sorry! I hope the best for you!


                    Oh Linda I am truly sorry this has happened to you. I do believe everything happens for a reason and I know you probably can't see it right now but more opportunities will be put in your path and I'm sure that in not too long another chapter will open up. If you need to chat please feel free to message me.....keep strong and remember were all here for you my dear...xx

                    Started Writing - February 2010
                    First Visit - September 2010
                    Second Visit - June 2011
                    Third Visit & His Release Date - February 2012
                    Our Wedding Day - April 2012
                    Submitted I-130 Visa Application - July 2012
                    NOA1 - July 2012
                    NOA2 - December 2012
                    Fourth Visit - December 2012
                    Closing The Distance - Watch this space


                      I'm very sorry...I can't even imagine the pain. Wishing you the best.

                      Met online: 1/30/11
                      Met in person: 5/30/12
                      Second visit: 9/12/12
                      Closed the distance: 1/26/13!!!


                        I'm sorry to hear that Linda.
                        I hope you will feel better with time and i know you will find someone who will stand by you no matter the distance or obstacles.

                        ♡ ~~~~ 'When you find something worth fighting for, you never give up' ~~~~ ♡


                          Thank you all so much for all your nice words.
                          Im trying so hard to get up again but i miss him so very much.
                          I always thought that we were ment to be.
                          That we were strong enough to do this.
                          I feel so alone and even if i have my kids around me and friends
                          i just wanna text him, ask him why again
                          and beg him to turn on Skype.
                          I dont know what to do in the evenings.
                          We always talked at the evenings when the kids gone off to bed.
                          I know its so new.
                          But i feel so alone and i miss him so much.
                          Its hurting so much inside.
                          But at the same time i remember all the lovely time we had.
                          All the things that we been happy about.
                          All the meetings.

                          I thank you all again.
                          Your beautiful words makes me cry happy tears.
                          I wish you all the best in the world.
                          And that you will be togheter with your loved ones.
                          Many hugs to you all.


                            So sorry to hear this, I wish you a lot of strength, love and luck the upcoming weeks! You will get through this and come out much wiser and stronger, thankful for the time you´ve had together! Stay strong, but also give yourself the time to release your sadness!


                              Hi all,
                              I have now decided to close my account.
                              I wish you all the best.
                              I so hope that you all will close the distance and move
                              to each other.
                              Long hugs

