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Big life decisions

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    Having lived in both North America and Europe, I would like to reiterate - Fords only have a bad reputation in North America. When my SO was planning on buying a car here, he was looking into an Audi A4 or a Ford Mondeo. I asked him why he would waste money on a Ford, and he was confused, haha.

    Cars here in the UK are much cheaper and last much longer than in the US/Canada. The first reason for that is the weather - they don't have nearly as many extremes in weather here, so the cars are subjected to much much less damage that way. No salt in the winter, no overheating in the summer, etc. Secondly, the cars are manufactured either in the UK (2002 and earlier) or Germany, and after having driven cars from both here and in Canada, I can safely say there is a world of difference in quality.

    And for cheapness, £1000 does go a long way for cars here, and the good thing is if he plans to sell it again in the next few years, he will get most of his money back through reselling.

    So I think it's a bit unreasonable to be angry at him for not listening to your advice about not buying a ford, and to be angry about him not consulting you when he didn't buy a Honda. It's his decision, and really, his money.

    Edit: Just wanted to add that cars here are also 90% manual transmission, so a problem that a lot of older cars in North America have - automatics - with the transmission failing and needing to be replaced (which is very common and expensive!) doesn't really happen here.
    Last edited by kteire; October 28, 2012, 03:24 AM.

    Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

    Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
    Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


      Originally posted by MadMolly View Post
      That's what I'm saying. Don't stress about the little things. It just causes dramas and tension.
      ^^yes! In a relationship you have to pick your battles. And this is the same fight you guys always have so at this point you need to just accept that this is how he'll be regarding being on time.

      My SO and I have very different ideas of punctuality. For me, if I am not 15 minutes early for something, I feel late. Whereas he has like zero time management/punctuality skills. Yes, it bugs me when he's late for things but I don't let myself get too worked up about and I'll comment on it to him without letting it turn into a fight. If I did, we would be arguing all the time, and that's no fun.


        You are making a way bigger deal out of this than it is. It's HIS car, not yours. My boyfriend bought a new car recently and although I made suggestions, if he didn't pick one I liked, it doesn't matter, because I'm not the one paying for it. I feel like you are making excuses to be upset with him.

        Personally, I wouldn't buy anything foreign made. My father has worked for GM for over 30 years. I buy American-made, and I always will. I own a 95 Saturn wagon. You want to talk reliable? My car has NEVER put me in a tight spot. It's cheap to fix and great on gas. Safe as fuck.
        "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


          I can see how you would be worried about HBB arriving home an hour late with no notice. I would be too if it happened to my SO, though most of my anxieties would probably vanish once I saw he was okay, I think for the first few minutes I might be a bit crazy asking him where he was. But I can see how it could be worse for someone who probably has had more traumas in the past. I also can see how he could feel nervous about asking his mom to leave earlier.. I get self conscious about asking too much from my parents/other people too, and I've actually had it in the past where I've been out with other people (like my mom or my friends) and inside I'm worrying about my SO and wanting to get back home to get online to him, but since I spend a lot of my day talking to my SO usually, I feel like people might take it bad me wanting to go home, I feel like they might take it the wrong way.. I don't want to me limiting to other people. Though then I usually have my phone on me so I can send a facebook message to my SO letting him know we're running a bit late.. if my phone was dead I'd be more anxious. So I can see both sides of the situation I think... anxiety on both sides, and I could see how it could lead to an argument, though both my SO and I tend to express our frustrations in different ways (I get emotional more and he tends to withdraw into himself more when he gets upset). I'm glad you were able to apologize about things after you calmed down. It's good you're trying to show interest in it, and I'm sure he'll see that and appreciate it. Take care.


            I have had a ford for 5 years and have not had 1 problem (knock on wood). With this being said, you do not share finances and it wont be something that is going to make a difference in you life, so I dont think it is something to be mad or to fight about. Would I be slightly annoyed if I was in your position, yes. I like when my SO at least lets me know what is going on. But at the same time, I would have to "get over it" because it is his money.
            Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

            I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west


              I did "get over it" I just felt a bit annoyed that he seemed to not even take my opinion into consideration. I guess that like people said, it was "his money" (or at least his grandfathers) and he spent it how he liked. I just really hope it works out, I was pissed not for myself but because I was worried for him and his safety, money, sanity etc.

              As far as him being late, I may have overreacted but I felt very irked that HBB didn't take into consideration how worried I would be if he was that late home. He does this far too often, he literally just did it again leaving work today because again his phone died and so I didn't hear from him. This time I had the hurricane to distract me though, and the recent memory of his lateness last time to keep me from getting too worried


                If he does that a lot, I guess you just have to accept that's what he does and not get pissed off with him/get too worried for doing something - sounds like it's just a character trait. I know I'm terrible at texting people back (I get a text, think I'll reply in a moment, then forget all about it), but that's just what I am like. Worrying about him being safe or not won't change anything.


                  A few of us have given our opinion on what you should do with HBB in regardless to his unreliability. The rest is upon you now.

                  You need to learn to accept that he is like that, as MadMolly said.


                    I do accept it, I guess its just on bad days that I lose my tolerance of it and get annoyed again. Today I just accepted it, like I typically do. He is horribly not punctual


                      Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
                      Wait, I though a quid was 7 pounds. Or is that a stone?...

                      freaking british...
                      A stone is 14 pounds! I had to google!

