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    I logged onto Facebook today to a slew of messages from Travis. First off, he sent me a Frank Sinatra song called, 'They can't take that away', telling me that the song reminded him of me. That blew me away all day because I love Frank Sinatra and I used to tell my mom all the time I'd only marry a man that shared that love with me. Then he sent me messages telling me how wonderful I am and how I make him smile. Well, as though that were not enough, I just logged on and saw another message. This is what he said to me, 'This is who you are to me Katie, this is who i've always seen you to be. And i thank God that a virtuous woman like you has eyes for me.' Then he quoted Proverbs 31:10-31. I literally squealed (which I NEVER do, thank you very much) and started laughing (or, crying, not sure really) and I forgot how to breathe. Is it ok to say I've never been made to feel this way by a man before?
    5 months in and every day is more wonderful than the last.

    Sorry, I just HAD to share that. Haha.
    What is the sweetest thing your SO has ever said to you?

    What is the sweetest thing your SO has ever said to you? I usually save all of the cute/sweet texts from my SO. One day he sent me this text that it makes me feel so good inside everytime I read it. It says... "I gave you the only thing I can give you that no one else can, my heart." Everytime I read it, it makes me think of how good I felt when I first saw it. How it put the biggest smile on my face and how I texted him back with "awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!"
    He just gets me... <3


      That's so sweet! It's always nice to log on to little messages like that.

      The sweetest thing? Hmn. I think I know what it was.

      One evening, I think somewhere in late April, we were talking about when we first met back when I was 14 and he was 20. I was laughing at his telling me he'd had a crush on me because I'd been so anti-man and I had been hitting a goth phase to death due to regular teenage rebellion and other stuff and, at the time, everyone believed I was gay. I'd asked him if he thought I'd been and he said he thought I was bi at the time but he admitted he thought the more anger I put out towards guys the sexier it made me. Then he added on that, though he liked when I acted tough, he really fell for me when I "dropped all my posturing" and made him melt. I asked him when that was and he told me the first was when in January I actually flirted back with him whereas before I had played it off or ignored it and had unknowingly backed him into a corner and he had confessed his feelings for me. The latter involved his ex best friend, a girl. When we first began dating I already knew she'd like him for years and some of the things they'd done on webcam before and I didn't really care, which surprised him. I let him go at his own pace in telling her we were together and a month later when she tore him apart and left him in shambles at my feet I just calmly picked up the pieces and put him back together, not caring that he'd revealed a severe weakness to me and instead set on making him happy again. This is what he told me after pointing out that instance: "...I was hooked. We were practically married at that point, in my mind. I wanted you forever."

      It makes me smile every time I re-read the conversation, to know that by loving him I made him love me more.


        I LOVE THAT!!
        "I wanted you forever."
        Sooo sweet.


          My bf is extremely sweet to me all the time. I have so many text messages typed up on my computer that he has said. but the sweetest thing that will forever be the sweetest is when he wrote me the first song (he has written 3 now). He put in it things that we talk about and things I tell him.. he is a tidbit of it.

          When those cascade skies fall down over you
          And the world is turning purple from the midday summer blue
          And you're thinking that you're lonely
          Or you're feeling like your blue
          Just remember that the one who holds your heart
          Is somewhere loving you.

          He travels alot for his job and is in different states all the time, so that is where "somewhere" comes from. I have told him so many times how I love it when the mountains turn purple during the sunset..just awesome things. I have ALWAYS wanted someone to write me a song...and he did!

          I have him sing it to me a lot..and everytime he does...i boob like a baby. It hits me so hard still. its been several months since he wrote this song. He said one day he will put it to music and make me a CD..but I love how close I feel to him, when he is intimately singing it to me. He makes my heart flutter and he makes me smile.


            I've only just parted from SO for a 7 week trip of a life time that I've been planning for ages. On the day I left he wrote me a letter that's just adorable, makes a tear roll down my cheek every time I read it!


              I had just made dinner and we were sitting there talking. Out of nowhere he changes the subject to say, "you have my heart, not just part, the whole thing." I looked at him and smiled and said I would handle it with care. He isn't one to overtly tell me how he feels but when he does it's always been unexpected out of nowhere. He has stopped me mid conversation to say I love you. The first time he said it he was here and we were laying down talking. He puts his hand to my mouth and says "I love you" my response, "really?" lol I told him I loved him back because I did and still do very much. It makes me smile when I hear him say it because I think of that moment. He doesn't feel the need to say it all the time. He thinks it's more special when said not as often. I could tell him I love him every minute lol With him really, I don't need to hear it from him, I know he does because he shows it. I have always loved the saying actions speak louder than words because it is so true. He shows it very well.

              I have read some of your other posts, you two sound like a very cute couple. I know what you mean by not being use to a man treating you like that. I am older than you and my bf is the first to ever treat me the way he does. It's an amazing feeling.


                duplicate post
                Last edited by Paris; July 16, 2010, 03:10 PM.


                  There's a quote that I've saved that I love more than anything and makes my heart skip a beat every time...

                  "There isn't another girl like you, and ya know what? I'm glad. I don't want other guys experiencing what I have and taking it for granted. I will never take you for granted. Idk what it is babe. But something about you, besides the obvious that you are amazing, draws me. You just have this aura about you. I love that I can look into your eyes and get a chill because your eyes are amazing. And the sparkle I see is something I caused. And I love that. That I can be that for someone." <3

                  Another time we were on webcam. I was missing him and I posted one of those broken heart things </3 and he said "Noooo broken hearts." and I said, "Why not?", "Cus I have your heart right here, and its fully intact..." And he made his hands into a heart and smiled at me and I can't even say how that made me feel at that moment =]


                    Nolan was learning a bit of Japanese, and I told him to say something to me in Japanese (over texting) and he goes... “Anata wo ia shite iru. (I love you)” tehe he's so cuute

                    This is one of my favorites though. Er.. Well I'm not this skinny girl, at all. In fact, I'm a little bit on the bigger side. So, I was talking to him about it, and this is what he says... “I don’t care if you’re not skinny, I love you for what’s in your spirit” and it just made me soooo happy. All this time, I've been afraid to meet him because I'm afraid of what he will think. But I know he'll love me no matter what

                    Ok last one... I was telling him that he needs to come to bed, because it was getting late, and I knew he was tired. He was being really cute and went “-curls up next to you-“. I was like AWWWWWW :') gosh, i love this boy...
                    [CENTER]"To truly love something, you must first give it a chance to fail. If it survives, it is going to be stronger than ever. Distance is pure proof of this, and forever we will love if we survive."


                      I was feeling disrespected at work and really down about my job and how they were treating me and he says I wish they didn't treat you that way today..but I can promise to be respectful, caring and honest, to love you as you are and not as I want you to be, and to grow old by your side as your love and best friend.
                      Last edited by USA2Canada; July 16, 2010, 07:12 PM.


                        Ok, I have another! Haha.
                        He has this thing where he'll say stuff and totally catch me off guard with it and I love it.
                        For instance, the other day I was super hungry and this is how our conversation went:
                        Me: You should come make me lunch.
                        Travis: I would love to! I haven't eaten all day, haha.
                        Me: Me either. =/
                        Travis: I'm thinkin' BLT's. And I'm thinking you're beautiful.


                          I can think of a million sweet things my SO has said to me. But it's the things she does that drive me wild. For example...

                          We were out on our first date and after dinner we had just gotten in the truck to go home. I turned on the radio and on of my absolute favorite songs that I have loved (literally) since the crib was on. I told my history with the song, about how my dad would sit in the rocking chair in my room and play that song on the guitar and sing it while I was napping or trying to nap. Years later I heard that song in the car with my mom for what she thought was the first time and I was able to sing every word of it without having a clue how. Mom wasn't too happy about the fact that his music stuck with me so hard (they're divorced and it was messy and hurtful), but I'm in love with that song. I told my SO all of this and about 2 weeks later she sends me a text that says "I learned a song for you". [She's an amazing guitarist] I asked what song and I almost started to sob when she text me back and said "Let Her Cry".

                          God I love this girl...


                            My SO can be so silly sometimes. He works ALOT, usually sleeps only a few hours a day, so when he is talking to me he likes to play. Sometimes he makes up silly songs to sing to me, so when he settles down and sings Love Me Tender to me, I know how much it means to both of us

