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"Catfish" TV

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    The movie is playing right now on MTV in case you guys are interested. It's about half over but they're just finding out that they're fake.
    Last edited by Brieasaurus; November 9, 2012, 10:20 PM.


      I do think they will probably show the more extreme cases but it does look like from the trailer that they will show a couple happy ending ones as well, I really like Nev, he seems like an honest kind of guy so if anything I don't think he's actually trying to portray LDRs in a negative light, just help those who are in bad relationships find out. I mean it did happen to him so he's just trying to help people in similar situations.

      Met: 8.17.09
      Started Dating: 8.20.09
      First Met: 10.2.10
      Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


        Originally posted by Tooki View Post
        I share your initial opinion. As with all reality TV shows, they will only document the extreme cases like 5+ year LDR's where neither party has met or seen pictures.

        I mean, where is the fun in depicting relationships where the couple gets to meet up every few months and they have regular video and audio chats?
        I guess thats what TV is all about. The extreme cases!!

        Originally posted by Brieasaurus View Post
        The movie is playing right now on MTV in case you guys are interested. It's about half over but they're just finding out that they're fake.
        Ahhhh.... just missed it!! But, It comes on again at 6am. Recorder set! Hopefully I'll be able to watch it tomorrow!

        Originally posted by Sora1101 View Post
        I do think they will probably show the more extreme cases but it does look like from the trailer that they will show a couple happy ending ones as well, I really like Nev, he seems like an honest kind of guy so if anything I don't think he's actually trying to portray LDRs in a negative light, just help those who are in bad relationships find out. I mean it did happen to him so he's just trying to help people in similar situations.
        I watched the trailer. Seems like he's just wanting fake profilers to come clean (if they want). But, then again, drama brings in TV ratings... so it might be more harm than good. I just hope they do more happy ending ones than I think they will. Its tough enough being in a LDR without Catfish (show or movie!) showing all over the place!


          I don't see how this can do more harm than good. Isn't it better for those who are being lied to, to find out the truth rather than to live in the dark? I know (because it's happened to me) that I would rather know who the person really is. If you're signing up for the show, it shows that you're willing to come clean, which I think is a great thing.
          Last edited by Zapookie; November 10, 2012, 12:33 AM.


            Originally posted by Zapookie View Post
            I don't see how this can do more harm than good. Isn't it better for those who are being lied to, to find out the truth rather than to live in the dark? I know (because it's happened to me) that I would rather know who the person really is. If you're signing up for the show, it shows that you're willing to come clean, which I think is a great thing.
            I think it's not so much harm for the participants-- although they are on television and I wonder if some people sign up without their partner knowing, so there's a chance someone who falsely claims to be someone is going to get publicly exposed (could be good or bad)-- but more harm for the image of online LDRs in general. Like was mentioned before, I really don't want to have to validate my relationship to everyone who says, "Oh, you met online... have you seen that show Catfish?"
            Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
            Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
            Engaged: 09/26/2020


              I'm honestly quite interested to watch it. Maybe that's because I'm not in a relationship where we met online, but I do think it'd be interesting to see. I don't know that it's going to have a negative impact on the opinions of the general public regarding LDRs, since to be honest, most people I know already have poor opinions of LDRs where people have been together for a long time before they've met. I think it'll either reaffirm negative opinions, or not have any effect on the general public opinion of LDRs, most people will realise that these are extremes!

              Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

              Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
              Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


                Originally posted by kteire View Post
                I'm honestly quite interested to watch it. Maybe that's because I'm not in a relationship where we met online, but I do think it'd be interesting to see. I don't know that it's going to have a negative impact on the opinions of the general public regarding LDRs, since to be honest, most people I know already have poor opinions of LDRs where people have been together for a long time before they've met. I think it'll either reaffirm negative opinions, or not have any effect on the general public opinion of LDRs, most people will realise that these are extremes!
                this is it exactly. So many people already know all the negative stuff so that won't really have an effect but if they throw in some of the ones that are happy endings people will see that sometimes, (and hopefully realize more often than not but tv shows do the dramatic ones for ratings) these kinds of relationships aren't sketchy.

                Met: 8.17.09
                Started Dating: 8.20.09
                First Met: 10.2.10
                Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                  wow oh wow. I did watch the movie! I can see why he's creating the TV show now! I will try not to give away any spoilers but just wow!! I was in shock!! I guess there are many people who have been in both of their situations. Its unbelievable to me really. I'm really looking forward to the TV show now!! I bet tons of people fall in love online every day. I've been there and done that! However, I've been lucky and have never been in a bad (or lied to) situation.
                  I can see how this show might show the negative sides of LDR's (or just meeting people online at all). Hopefully there will be some good stories as well.


                    I've not seen the movie, but if you want to see a good movie about a LDR that doesn't crap over the idea then I think 'Going The Distance' is a great movie to watch - I downloaded it just after my SO went back home and it definitely cheered me up


                      I have never heard of this movie. I have to go get it and watch. It sounds interesting. Me and my SO have spent a good deal of time together in RL. I eat with his family a couple times a week when I stay with him. I have met his friends. I know where he works and goes to school. I would have no problem watching a movie about some extremes where they fake their profiles and never meet, but it would only be fair if they could show both sides of the issue as well.

                      I am also curious why they don't want international couples. We deal with a lot of issues that the non international ones don't as far as customs/border control/ time limits/ government permit fees/not being allowed to work there.... etc. I am not saying that non international ones don't have their fair share of hurdles but I would die for my SO to be anywhere in the US. So why does Catfish not want to hear our stories as well?
                      "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
                      Benjamin Franklin


                        Originally posted by louisekerry View Post
                        I've not seen the movie, but if you want to see a good movie about a LDR that doesn't crap over the idea then I think 'Going The Distance' is a great movie to watch - I downloaded it just after my SO went back home and it definitely cheered me up
                        Hey great idea too, thanks.
                        "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
                        Benjamin Franklin


                          Originally posted by Hollandia View Post
                          I am also curious why they don't want international couples. We deal with a lot of issues that the non international ones don't as far as customs/border control/ time limits/ government permit fees/not being allowed to work there.... etc. I am not saying that non international ones don't have their fair share of hurdles but I would die for my SO to be anywhere in the US. So why does Catfish not want to hear our stories as well?
                          Visa issues and ticket prices, I imagine. They're paying for the couples to meet.
                          Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
                          Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
                          Engaged: 09/26/2020


                            Originally posted by kittyo9 View Post
                            Visa issues and ticket prices, I imagine. They're paying for the couples to meet.
                            Ah.... that makes more sense. Thanks. Maybe it will be a huge hit and next time their budget will get bigger and then they can include the international ones as well.
                            "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
                            Benjamin Franklin


                              Oh wow! First time I heard of this. :o
                              I met my SO online and we've yet to met, but we've confirmed in a lot of ways that we are being truthful. Like said, I hope it doesn't make people think even more negatively about it and not too many hearts are broken. Also, even if it would be wonderful if someone could help us get together, I don't think I'd like the idea of having the details of my relationship on tv like that.
                              Met Online: 2009-10
                              Started Talking: Jan 25, 2011
                              Relationship Started: June 25, 2011
                              First Meeting: June 9, 2014
                              Engaged: June 12, 2014
                              Second Visit and Road Trip: Sep 3, 2014


                                I don't really know what to think because I liked the movie but at the same time I didn't. I'm just glad I waited until after I met JP to watch it. It was a good film but I just felt so bad for that guy Niv, as I watched the movie and saw the way that they texted and everything it just seemed too close to home. I could easily identify with the way his relationship was .. and then to see it all turned sideways was kind of a blow straight to the heart. From what I've seen/heard about the show sounds like it's kind of a way to expose fakers, but a few random ones might turn out to be real. I think those won't be too common though. Who knows, I personally don't care what people have to say about LDR's because I'm going to love JP regardless. I think people who aren't actually in a LDR will never understand.

