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post-breaking up: christmas presents?

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    post-breaking up: christmas presents?

    The context (i.e. the break-up):

    My LDR boyfriend and I called it quits last week, after about 1.5 years LDR and 6 months CDR before that. We've both been having stress-filled periods in our lives, with many more such weeks to come - possibly one of the reasons why we broke up in the end. I have been trying to organise a trip to his country for December as part of our "let us meet twice a year" plan, but the nature of my job is such that I would not be able to fully confirm that I would be going until about one or two weeks before the actual trip. Nonetheless, I told the ex about my plans, hoping to give him something to look forward to. I also urged him to carry on with some travel plans he had with his friends, saying that I would match my schedule with his. (I had lived in his country before, so I had plenty of old sights I wanted to visit and activities I wanted to do too.)

    Instead, he told me that the stress of an LDR was too much for him. In particular, he resented how my planned trip and the uncertainty thereof meant that he felt that he could no longer commit to the travel plans he had made with his friends. He also said that he wanted to travel the world instead of always spending what holidays he did have visiting my country. When I expressed that I was willing to use up all my vacation leave to visit him twice a year instead, he told me that two week-long visits a year was insufficient for him.

    Needless to say, I feel absolutely gutted by his having ended the relationship. However, I'm also feeling more than a little unhappy at how all my efforts at trying to make the relationship work have basically been thrown back at my face, and cited as the reason for the break up.

    The Christmas gifts:

    Unfortunately, the break up happened pretty much just after I had finally gotten all his Christmas gifts, and now I can't decide what I ought to do with these presents.

    Some of the gifts are too expensive for platonic friends (which we're now supposed to be, although that's rather awkward). However, there seems to be little point trying to sell them, because selling's always troublesome, and they have a limited market appeal. I can't really think of anyone I'd re-gift them too as well. Others are senimental/based on in-jokes, which makes selling them or regifting them odd.

    On the one hand, I think it may just be practical for me to give them to him anyway. Sure, some of the sentimental stuff might be awkward, and he could toss any or all of the presents upon receipt. However, there's no point in MY keeping of them, and the fact that they've cost me good money makes me unable to toss them myself. The slightly immature and spiteful part of me feels that it could potentially also be a "hah, this is what you have missed!" message.

    On the other hand, I really don't feel as though he deserves the presents anymore. I do honestly think that his reasons for the break-up, while understandable, are still incredibly selfish. He also picked the worst possible time to drop the bombshell on me, and I do feel rather disgruntled by how all he's done is add to my stress when I've been doing my best to support him during his times of stress.


    If you don't feel he deserves them than don't give him the gifts. You can always sell them on ebay. Or better yet donate them to a charity I'm sure someone else will enjoy them
    " There is always hope.


      You might try selling some anyway-- just the expensive ones, to limit the amount of work you have to do. You'd be surprised what ebayers will buy. o_O

      Are you okay with staying friends...? I have huge issues with doing that. Maybe you could just give him the gag/specific-to-him gifts and be like, "I already got these for you, so here." It might function as sort of a peace offering... but that only works if you're at peace.
      Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
      Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
      Engaged: 09/26/2020


        Are you unable to return them from where you bought them?


          can you not return them back to where you got them? I wouldnt give them to him, he ended things with you and hurt you. If you dont feel as if he deserves them then he doesnt. That being said i wouldnt send him a spiteful msg with them in it either. I would say either keep, see if you can return, or donate. No use throwing away something when someone in need could use it!


            I'm sorry but your SO sounds like a selfish arse to me.....You've bent over backwards to accommodate his holiday time and he says he can't do this anymore......LDR are difficult at the best of times but both parties should work together and it sounds like your doing all the hard work to make this work and he can't be bothered....

            Regarding the gifts, depending on what they are, you could sell them on ebay......give them to a charity? I wouldn't give them to him at all, if he can't work around your holiday time then he's not deserving of your gifts. Sorry this is harsh love, but it just pees me off you've gone to so much effort......xxxxxx

            Started Writing - February 2010
            First Visit - September 2010
            Second Visit - June 2011
            Third Visit & His Release Date - February 2012
            Our Wedding Day - April 2012
            Submitted I-130 Visa Application - July 2012
            NOA1 - July 2012
            NOA2 - December 2012
            Fourth Visit - December 2012
            Closing The Distance - Watch this space


              Is there some small part of you that hopes if he gets the gifts he will change his mind? Would you take him back if he did? That would be a factor for me.

              I would say if there is NO chance of getting back together, I would not give them to him. I would sell or return or if not possible do as the other poster said and donate them. You should be able to claim of part of the resale value for your taxes if you are in the USA.
              "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
              Benjamin Franklin


                Could you use the gifts yourself, or maybe return them if you have the receipt


                  If you still have the receipts i'd return them, honestly. At least the expensive ones.
                  Made it official: 12-01-10
                  First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
                  Closed the distance: 07-31-13


                    Thanks for your replies, everyone. Unfortunately, I can't return them because I'd prepared then long ago enough that the period for returns has expired.

                    Thank you, Oldblighty, for voicing my sometime-thoughts following the break-up. I find myself quite caught between telling myself that it's not neither of our faults since LDRs are not for everyone, wondering if I had not done enough/could have done more, and thinking that he could have tried harder or been more willing to compromise too. I've largely been chalking the last up as the inevitable "disgruntled ex's resentment". It's good to know that that's how it seems to an outside, impartial observer too. (It's a bit different when close friends tell me that, because they're naturally biased. :P )

                    Now, if only the ex would stop with the whole "let's be friends" thing, and quit starting IM conversations which last no more than 3 lines on his part before he shuts up and I'm forced out of politeness to make small talk in order to keep the conversation going...


                      Originally posted by Casaluna View Post
                      Thanks for your replies, everyone. Unfortunately, I can't return them because I'd prepared then long ago enough that the period for returns has expired.

                      Thank you, Oldblighty, for voicing my sometime-thoughts following the break-up. I find myself quite caught between telling myself that it's not neither of our faults since LDRs are not for everyone, wondering if I had not done enough/could have done more, and thinking that he could have tried harder or been more willing to compromise too. I've largely been chalking the last up as the inevitable "disgruntled ex's resentment". It's good to know that that's how it seems to an outside, impartial observer too. (It's a bit different when close friends tell me that, because they're naturally biased. :P )

                      Now, if only the ex would stop with the whole "let's be friends" thing, and quit starting IM conversations which last no more than 3 lines on his part before he shuts up and I'm forced out of politeness to make small talk in order to keep the conversation going...
                      I was a little concerned that my comment would upset some peeps and mostly you. I just got annoyed that you were doing all you could to work around his vacation time and he got disgruntled and said he couldn't do it anymore. I know LDR are not for everyone but to make things work we have to try harder than anyone would is in a close relationship. So now he's IM'ing you saying he wants to be friends? He's obviously finding it hard to let go? Everyone's different but I know I couldn't be friends for sometime after the split, just because I would need time to heal and get over that person.

                      I hope you can find some way of distributing these gifts. Such a shame because it sounds like you went to a lot of effort....Stay strong dear xx

                      Started Writing - February 2010
                      First Visit - September 2010
                      Second Visit - June 2011
                      Third Visit & His Release Date - February 2012
                      Our Wedding Day - April 2012
                      Submitted I-130 Visa Application - July 2012
                      NOA1 - July 2012
                      NOA2 - December 2012
                      Fourth Visit - December 2012
                      Closing The Distance - Watch this space

