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I'm a little freaked out

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    Tell him that...


      Originally posted by AvaLouise View Post
      lol, freaking out over nothing? Honestly, shut up. The fact that this is coming from a guy I've dated for less than half a year is a little much. I have every right to be a little weirded out. Unless you're one of those annoying girls who gets mad if your boyfriend DOESN'T want to marry you after a week of dating, and then I could understand why you'd think I'm not "ready" for a relationship. Just because I'm not some bimbo who's ready to just jump on the wedding wagon at sixteen years old doesn't mean I'm not ready for anything.

      But to everyone else who says they understand, thank you. I get that he was just showing that he really cares about me. And it was sweet, but just a bit much for me. I'm not the girl who wants to be showered in flowers and presents and sweet things all the time, so what could seem sweet to everyone else is just a bit overwhelming for me lol.
      lol "shut up"? That's not very mature now is it? You're also making a lot of rude assumptions about me which isn't very nice darling. You ask for opinions and you got them, don't be bitchy because you don't like mine.
      Made it official: 12-01-10
      First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
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        Originally posted by AvaLouise View Post
        lol, freaking out over nothing? Honestly, shut up. The fact that this is coming from a guy I've dated for less than half a year is a little much. I have every right to be a little weirded out. Unless you're one of those annoying girls who gets mad if your boyfriend DOESN'T want to marry you after a week of dating, and then I could understand why you'd think I'm not "ready" for a relationship. Just because I'm not some bimbo who's ready to just jump on the wedding wagon at sixteen years old doesn't mean I'm not ready for anything.

        But to everyone else who says they understand, thank you. I get that he was just showing that he really cares about me. And it was sweet, but just a bit much for me. I'm not the girl who wants to be showered in flowers and presents and sweet things all the time, so what could seem sweet to everyone else is just a bit overwhelming for me lol.
        That's quite an unpleasant post. I dont think any of the personal attack is called for.

        I think the person you aimed this at ha a valid point: you've posted a couple of times about not being sure about this relationship, whereas your SO seems head over heels. There has to be at least a little bit of miscommunication going on - from both parties - if he's making these massive jumps and hopes so early on in the relationship. From what you're saying, he seems to have a completely different idea of this relationship than you, and I agree with Black_Halloween - maybe you're not ready for the kind of relationship he's looking for.

        Being 20 myself, the kind of relationship I had at 16 was totally different. And I think it's only fair of you to explain, as you have exactly here, what you're genuinely thinking concerning relationships. Don't try to pretty up what you're saying, be completely honest. Even if what he's saying is harmlessly intended, if you're going to freak out like this every time he tries to say something romantic, it's not that harmless.


          Lol. Every time I've posted it's been when I've been seeking advice, which is why you seem to think I'm "not sure about my relationship". I don't post when I AM sure because that'd be a complete waste of time...?


            Originally posted by AvaLouise View Post
            I don't post when I AM sure because that'd be a complete waste of time...?
            This is not entirely on topic, but... I know everyone turns to LFAD for different reasons, but for me personally, I turn to it even when I am sure. I think because of it I've gotten a better reaction from other members when I'm unsure about things, because they know our relationship isn't constantly on the rocks. I'm not saying that you have to, just, look at it from a different perspective.

            2016 Goal: Buy a house.
            Progress: Complete!

            2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
            Progress: Working on it.


              Originally posted by AvaLouise View Post
              lol, freaking out over nothing? Honestly, shut up. The fact that this is coming from a guy I've dated for less than half a year is a little much. I have every right to be a little weirded out. Unless you're one of those annoying girls who gets mad if your boyfriend DOESN'T want to marry you after a week of dating, and then I could understand why you'd think I'm not "ready" for a relationship. Just because I'm not some bimbo who's ready to just jump on the wedding wagon at sixteen years old doesn't mean I'm not ready for anything.

              But to everyone else who says they understand, thank you. I get that he was just showing that he really cares about me. And it was sweet, but just a bit much for me. I'm not the girl who wants to be showered in flowers and presents and sweet things all the time, so what could seem sweet to everyone else is just a bit overwhelming for me lol.
              So because someone has a differing opinion you tell them to "shut up"? There are other ways to let your annoyance known than to be incredibly rude, immature and clearly disgruntled. Yes, you are 16 and no you shouldn't get married and you should probably think about where you stand with relationships because you are younger and have more options than you may truly realise.


                HAHAHA but to tell me "oh since you're not ready to get married right now you're CLEARLY not ready for a relationship." Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was supposed to respond to that with a warm thank you and a big hug. So I can be as "rude" as I please when you sound completely nuts.


                  Originally posted by AvaLouise View Post
                  HAHAHA but to tell me "oh since you're not ready to get married right now you're CLEARLY not ready for a relationship." Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was supposed to respond to that with a warm thank you and a big hug. So I can be as "rude" as I please when you sound completely nuts.
                  Clearly, I never said hug the person and throw them a parade but to tell someone that you don't know to "shut up" it rude. That's fine I'm just pointing out that you are in fact acting your age.


                    Originally posted by AvaLouise View Post
                    Lol. Every time I've posted it's been when I've been seeking advice, which is why you seem to think I'm "not sure about my relationship". I don't post when I AM sure because that'd be a complete waste of time...?
                    No, I'm not saying that. What I am saying is that - considering how little time you've been in this relationship, and how strongly he seems to be coming on, and that you've posted numerous times saying you're unsure - you don't seem ready for the kinde of relationship he is ready for.

                    I do also want to say that your posting is getting pretty hostile. We're a pretty chilled positive community here. If you don't like what someone is saying, don't respond, or respond politely.
                    Last edited by Biddlybiddlybombop; November 14, 2012, 04:00 PM.

