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    We won a FREE HONEYMOON!!

    Im just Sooooooo excited! last month I put in a wedding giveaway entry for a free yellow gold diamond (Very nice) bridal ring set and a men band they look antique and there genuine diamond and gold very classy. They came from I believe the contest said a diamond store called Jareds. And we won, he is getting it sized actually next week! He also gave me a ring though too from his family pass down, so I sorta have two-but we consider it a promise ring. And then this month I entered an wedding essay contest to win a honeymoon, and I won, found out today my essay was first place!! We got a flight for two and got a 7 day stay at a resort location choice of Whales, Italy, Rome, or Spain! The question is which will we pick? hah. So we are just like wowowow excited.. this has saved us well a bundle. We can focus now on just the wedding which we are doing something very tiny. We are like so broke because of the strains from college, so the winning has made a okay wedding go amazing! We finalized our vows last night it was amazing. I can't say my dream was to have a yellow gold ring I like the white gold or platinum look or these countries were just the ideal spot for me, BUT I can say nobody is complaining and I'll take it with gratitude and happiness! Anyways had to share my overwhelming joy here!
    Last edited by USA2Canada; July 15, 2010, 10:08 AM.

    Wow! Congrats, that's amazing! You deserve it, having struggled from college.
    I say either Italy or Spain are most romantic. Do you know what city though? That would really help you decide.

    Wow again, it's so rare to win something so big!


      Wow congratulations
      I would personally pick either Spain or Italy haha
      But yeah that's awesome


        it's nice when good things happen to good people. congratulations!
        Kimberly J


          Wow that's so cool, congrats to you two!

          Um, isn't Rome in Italy? ^_^; Italy would be a cool place to go, and there's also interesting stuff in Spain. Wherever you go I'm sure you'll have a blast


            Originally posted by Puramu View Post
            Wow that's so cool, congrats to you two!

            Um, isn't Rome in Italy? ^_^; Italy would be a cool place to go, and there's also interesting stuff in Spain. Wherever you go I'm sure you'll have a blast
            Rome is in Italy =)

            Congrats on winning =D!

            Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


              wow! congratulations on your amazing winnings!
              I, personally, would pick Italy in a heartbeat. :P


                thats soo awesome congratz

                Spain is one of the most beautiful places on the earth


                  Congrats from me, too! I'd pick Italy!


                    Thanks we are very for Rome, Italy.. The city in Spain he didn't care much for I forgot the name but as soon as I said it he was like yuck, and Whales is not honeymoon enough for him. So Rome is the choice here! So happy, the guy is mailing the prize on Friday we have until 2012 to use it.. and my guy is working on sizing that ring I have such tiny fingers like size 4. Id say to all of you when its closer to your wedding don't be ashamed to put in those entries on giveaways cause you never know!!
                    Last edited by USA2Canada; July 15, 2010, 04:41 PM.


                      That's so so amazing, congrats!! *squee*
                      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                        I take it as a sign you're really meant to be together... Winning two big prizes like that is AMAZING!


                          Aww thank you, it is so amazing my parents are happy too! I wish for you all to win something good thoughts your way.


                            Definitely Italy, Wales is awesome but not exactly honeymoon-material I think! lol! I love Italy.


                              italy!!!!! wales is rainy. :P

