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Visit times and discussion of...

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    Visit times and discussion of...

    So last night was the first time in a while that Alex and I got to video chat and it went really well. Even though he's been super busy lately he got on last night to chat and we both had loads of fun and though we talked briefly about some serious subjects I think we mainly both just enjoyed our time.

    One of the more serious of subjects that came up was visiting. I'm about to start back to school in August or September (the college's site is very confusing and I'm not entirely sure what day's the first day) and I'm going to continue working part time which I know I can do without it causing much less time for us. The fact remains this places restrictions on visiting times moreso that we already had. I really wanted to go see him for his birthday but, as it stands now, to fly up to see him would be $600 at cheapest and I'd only be able to be there for 2 or 3 days. he was disappointed to hear that I probably wouldn't be able to come but understood completely and told me he didn't want me to come if it would be that much money for so little time. That decision is unanimous but...I still really want to be up there for that as I know that if I'm not I won't spend his birthday with him at all as he'll be gaming. ^^;

    The next time I could go visit (feasibly) is the week after finals. I don't want to stay over Christmas as his family would be coming and he should have time with them and my parents wouldn't relaly want me away for the holiday either. So if I don't go see him in September I have to wait until December 10th or 11th. I would love for him to come and visit me after (or before) but I don't know if he'll have the debt paid off by then. ^^;;

    but he seemed disappointed that I wouldn't be able to go up there for his birthday. ^^;

    I've always found it hard to miss the important moments I'm sorry that you wont be able to go. You could maybe make him a cake at home show him on cam, tell him to blow the candles out and you blow them you both get to make a nice wish. Then of course send him a special gift, and you can make him a virtual party presentation.. ive done it for my guy sorta put together a power point of all the wonderful things were going to do for his birthday in the upcoming future i had music in it and special words and everything to really make it nice. I made it from morning to evening as if its a full day of fun for his birthday.

    then when your both together do just that the things you put in your powerpoint.

    We had a blast with this one year, and I took him to all his fav spots and foods just like on the power point, he was so surprised and happy when I really went through with it and really did everything on the power point with him in one full day- I even ended up making the same cake I had made on cam that day so he could finally have a slice. I have to admit it was hard work though, having to make a three full course meal bkfst lunch and dinner of his favorites, plus the cake. I made the food the day before the big day so it would be easier on me, the only meal I didnt make was bkfst cause he has a place he likes to go for that, and then took him around town to his favorite places, it wasnt fancy and expensive or anything, just his favorite spots and things to we had bkfst then we would watch his favorite star trek episode and then wed go to his favorite clothing shop to pick out a shirt, and then to his favorite museum (which is free), then to a boat ride, then lunch, was difficult to find pics of all this stuff for the power point too but I did and it worked out great. I thought it was going to be cheesy, but we had so much fun visitng and eating and doing all his fav things! To this day he talks about this birthday surprise!

    Just try to remember its the thought that counts near or far!
    Last edited by USA2Canada; July 15, 2010, 06:20 PM.

