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jealous friends?

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    jealous friends?

    hey everyone

    After me and my SO closed the distance, we were really excited to meet our friends and get together on a weekend, and go out to have lunch, and just have a good time. i have friends, whom he hasn't met, and he wanted me to meet some of his friends, who i have met before, but we just wanted to all have a great day.

    so i came here to be in the same town as my SO, and we wanted to fix a date that everyone could come. I have a female friend. lets call her Amy. Amy and i have been friends since we were 13 and now we re both 22. she was not a super close friend, but she was friends with one of my best friends, and so i know her, we have talked alot, and she is nice. after i came to Ausi, we didnt have much contact, but we skyped and were friends on fb. she used to tell me her break up stories and i would listen, you know girl talk :P

    i m not the kind of person who tell about me and my SO s personal life to anyone in greater detail. i know girls talk every detail with their best friends, but i prefer to keep it to myself. she tell me her stories and i listen. and about 4 months ago our chats became less. i know she is busy and everything. and anyways i didnt mind much.

    so after i came back here i contacted her and said we should catch uppp and she was like oh yeah and i she told me to msg her. so i asked for her phone number so we can make plans.

    and that was the end of september. since then i have msged her on fb, like whats up girl, how are you. but no replies. and recently my bf told that she chatted with him and said that she was being busy, and she wanted to meet us, and she is having hard time with her new bf cause her mom dnt like him etc etc. and that she wanted to make plans to meet.

    so i was thinking, like seriously? i messaged her so many times and she doesnt want to at least say hi to me, but can talk to my partner? i mean i m not making a issue out of that, but she and i have been close friends, at least she can say hi to me? instead i see her commenting away on my bf s statuses lol

    the thing is this. I dont care what she does. but i want to know how to deal with this situation. i wanted to go meet her, but seems like she is really not interested to even talk to me. but she talks to my bf online and says she want to meet us and all? like its confusing to me. i just wanna know how to deal with this situation. should i msg her and say hey whats up, (again for the 3 rd time) or just ignore her? it hurts me that she was a good friend of mine, and she dnt even have time to talk to me at least a hi, but has all the time to be active on fb, and have the time to talk to everyone else.

    i do have self respect for myself. if she dont wanna talk thats fine with me. i just wanna know how to deal with this. my bf asked if she msged me or something. i said nope. and he said maybe she only has the mood to talk to guys. or she maybe jealous cause ya her relationship is pretty much fucked up. yeah i understand that can be the case. but i just wanna know how to deal here? how will my future communication with her be?

    thanks guys

    This seems like a typical situation. Girl gets boyfriend and one friend acts up. I'd ask to meet for coffee or a quick lunch and talk about it.

