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Overly sentimental!

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    Overly sentimental!

    So my LFAD bracelet has been breaking for a month now, the layers of silicon started to separate and HBB said that he would get me a new one in December.

    Well, yesterday when I returned from the gym I realized it was missing, and I guess it broke while I was working out and fell off without me noticing. I am INCREDIBLY upset. I have been wearing that bracelet without taking it off since HBB last visited, showering with it and everything. I knew it was breaking, but assumed I would notice when it fell off and could save it to put in my memory box with all my other stuff (ticket stubs, receipts, maps we used etc) so to lose it and not realize until it was too late is killing me. I also feel naked without it on, I keep going to adjust it and realize its gone all over again. Even HBB is upset, and he is usually unflappable but he has been wearing his non stop as well. I called the gym to keep an eye out, but since its been 24 hrs without a call, I am thinking it either fell off in the parking lot or someone found it and assumed a broken silicone support band was trash.

    I hate being this sentimental, but I am! HBB kissed that bracelet when he was here, and having it with me always was a huge comfort to me. I feel like crap.

    That sucks. I know that feeling because I lost my engagement ring (in a very stupid manner, too)

    I'm sure you'll get over it, though. And you'll learn to like the new bracelet in time, just as I'm learning to like my new ring.
    I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


      Both my SO and I wear ours non-stop too. Mine has fallen off numerous times without noticing, and I freaked out so I have felt that before. I always find it some place I would never think.. in the sleeve of my jacket, under the bed, in the bathroom. I hope you find yours soon.. otherwise definitely order another one.


        **hugs** I'm really sentimental, too, and that would be heartbreaking! It'll be okay, though. <3


          Oh no, I'm sorry to hear this. To be honest I'm so worried about my bracelet getting broken or lost that I wear it just at night, when I sleep. My SO has his tagged onto his keychain. You never know, yours may still turn up, but do order a new one if it doesn't. Of course you tend to get attached to the original, but a replacement would carry the same sentiment!


            Aww I know the feeling. I'm really sentimental too.. my bracelet has a crack in it too... got it one time after I was holding my rabbit and heard a noise and later realized my bracelet had a crack in it.. I think she bit it. So now I have it taped and am extra cautious about it.. almost constantly checking to see if it's still there. This also reminds me of this bracelet I had before that my SO had bought me (he bought one for him too) and I it wasn't so durable even and so I was scared it would get wrecked at work so I'd be constantly taking it on and off and it one day gave up and broke. I felt so bad... I think partly because on this one TV show I used to watch a lot, the one girl got a bracelet from her boyfriend and she lost it one day and it sort of made me tie more sentiment to the bracelet, but I talked with my SO and he reassured me it was just a bracelet and it was okay.. though the bracelet did break while I was at home or while I was aware of it because I was able to save the pieces. If you can't retrieve the pieces of your bracelet, do you have any pictures of you wearing it? If not.. maybe you could write a little journal entry on how you lost it and how much it meant.. but how you couldn't find it again. It might help. I also think it's a good idea to get a new one to replace it. But also remember that it's just material and although it has sentimental value, it can be replaced, but that doesn't mean anything bad. I hope you're okay.

